LA Green Drinks + Sustainable Works present:
2012 Eco-Resolutions Party
hosted by essentia

Thursday | January 19th | 7-10 pm
Celebrate the new year and set your Eco-Resolutions for 2012.
Need inspiration?
Sustainable Works will be there with plenty of ideas.
$5 suggestion donation
*BYOC: Bring Your Own Cup for FREE entry*
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* Complimentary beer,wine & creative organic cocktails served up by GQ Eco Bartending
* Cheat on Meat with Gardein & Green Truck.
FREE Gardein samples and delicious discounted Gardein Meals prepared by Green Truck ($3-$5).
TWO for ONE meals from 7-8pm!!
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* Pick up a $200 coupon, and learn how to get an additional $8,000 for improving your home's energy efficiency.
* Project 365 Group Photography Show
* And more....