
sponsored by Whole Life Times
The popular weekly LA Green Drinks presents Earth Night sponsored by Whole Life Times on Saturday, April 19, 2008 from 7 pm – midnight.
Share in organic wine, beer, and munchies (and, yes, they are yummy!) at Whole Life Times’ downtown space and roof-top.
The first 100 people receive a free Fundraising Green - Green Coupon book!
Green LA Girl, Siel, will start the night informally answering your eco questions and Jonathan Parfrey, Director of Green L.A., as well as other speakers will bring us up to date on the efforts to Green LA.
Your $10 suggested donation includes drinks and food. Earth Night proceeds go to Green L.A. and your choice of environmental groups that you select at the door.
Please RSVP at lagreendrinks@gmail.com
(Note: This event replaces the West Hollywood/Silverlake LA Green Drinks normally on the 3rd Thursday)
Seeking Volunteers!
Please email us with Earth Night Volunteer in the subject line, if you are interested in helping out with the event. Thanks so much!
Time: Saturday, April 19, 2008 from 7-12 am midnight
7 pm Green LA Girl - Siel, informally answering your environmental questions
8 pm Green LA Director - Jonathon Parfrey followed by other speakers
9 pm An acoustic set by Darius Lux, then music by DJ Dharma, and Family Affair
Location: Whole Life Times, 1200 South Hope Street, Suite 300, LA, CA 90028
We encourage everyone to travel sustainably - walk, bike, carpool, or take public transit.
The Metro Rail Blue Pico stop is right next to the party, as well as many bus routes.
Parking is available in several nearby lots.
Green Promotional Literature:
Remember to bring your promotional eco-literature to promote your Green Event. Like other LA Green Drinks we will have an area for brochures, flyers, business cards, etc. We will also take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.
We want LA Green Drinks to help bring together the enormous environmental community in Los Angeles.
Proceeds from Earth Night go to Green LA and other environmental non-profits of your choosing including:
Algalita Marine Research Foundation
Green Ambassadors
Heal the Bay
Santa Monica Baykeepers
Sustainable Works
About the Primary Sponsors:
LA Green Drinks
Green Drinks is a worldwide organization that enables anyone concerned about environmental issues to get together over a drink. Green Drinks events are simple, informal, and help connect the green network while having a drink or two. Weekly events are held in LA, more info at www.lagreendrinks.org and for gatherings around the world, check out www.greendrinks.org
Whole Life Times
Whole Life Times offers readers viable alternatives for living healthy, conscious and satisfying lives, and for creating a sustainable society. In the spirit of true abundance, we engage in socially responsible business practices. www.wholelifetimes.com
Green L.A.
Green L.A. is a coalition of 100+ environmental and community-based organizations in L.A. working to shape city policy to transform L.A. to the cleanest and greenest city in the country.
Green LA Girl
Siel blogs about all things green in LA at Emerald City www.latimesblogs.latimes.com/emeraldcity for the LA Times, and still maintains her own blog at www.greenlagirl.com.
Cisco Home
Committed to green fabrics and furniture that is built to last (and built locally in LA)
An event planing organization that partners with non-profits to help raise money and awareness for social and environmental purposes. Their "Parties with a Purpose" inspire participants to make a difference personally, locally, and globally. www.family-affair.org/
Amazon Herb Company
Earth Friendly Moving
Elixir G
Fundraising Green
Clif Bar
Green Truck
Mountain Peoples Wine & Beer Distribution
Yoga Mates
Press Inquiries:
Laura Beatty
Amazon Marketing