As LA Green Drinks grows we want to continue to improve the experience of each event.
This month we experiment with a raffle and a short informal presentation format with some very special guests-
Join us in welcoming back two crew members of the Alguita research vessel,
Anna Cummins and Marcus Eriksen!
Anna and Marcus will talk briefly about their recent trip and present samples of the floating trash they collected while sailing. We will have a Q&A after their presentation and then they will both be available for further discussion.
The Alguita Research Vessel has just returned from studying the enormous swirling debris of plastic trash in the Pacific Ocean, a "Plastic Soup" which has now grown to TWICE the size of the U.S.!
This month LA Green Drinks will be raising money for the Algalita Marine Research Foundation, the environmental non-profit organization who chartered the oceanic voyage into the floating trash.
Algalita Marine Research Foundation was founded in Long Beach, California by Captain Charles Moore in 1994, and is dedicated to the preservation of the marine environment. With the help of the chartered research vessel, the ORV Alguita, AMRF is actively engaged in innovative research, education programs, and restoration of the marine environment.
Marcus Eriksen, Algalita's Director of Research and Education, has been deeply involved in plastic marine debris issues since rafting down the length of the Mississippi River on a boat made from recycled plastic bottles. Marcus has given presentations about marine debris issues to schools and communities all over the country, and will continue his public education upon his return, with samples and data "hot off the gyre".
Anna Cummins - Algalita's Education Advisor and lone female on board. While working for a marine conservation organization in 2004, Anna met Charles Moore and joined joined Algalita on a research trip to Guadalupe Island. She was forever changed by this opportunity to learn first hand about the far reaching, ecological impacts of disposable plastics.

sponsored by Plan-It Hardware

Thursday, March 6th, 2008
7pm – 10pm
$5 suggested donation

10000 Culver Boulevard
Culver City, California
If anyone wants to bring literature to promote their green issue
please do so-
we will have an area for brochures, business cards, etc.
We will also take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.
The main thing is just to relax and have a good time.
LA Green Drinks - West Side is 1st Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - South Bay is 2nd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - West Hollywood / Silver Lake is 3rd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Valley is 4th Thursday of every month.
Bookmark this website for future updates

Sustainable Works Green Living Workshops, through April 9th
Learn how to live more sustainably through a 6 week series of meetings covering:
- Water
- Energy
- Waste
- Chemicals
- Transportation&Travel
- Food&Shopping
Saturdays 1-2:30pm, starts March 1st
Virginia Avenue Park
2200 Virginia Avenue
Tuesdays 8-9:30pm, starts March 4th
2936 Main Street
Wednesdays 7-8:30pm, starts March 5th
Santa Monica Public Library
601 Santa Monica Blvd.
Includes training, comprehensive textbook, and sustainable tools
(water saving fixtures, compact fluorescent bulb, reusable bag, etc.)
Contact Barent Roth to join a workshop today,
Workshops will cap at 25 so sign up today!
310.458.8716 x1
Transportation Workshop March 1st, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Santa Monica High School Cafeteria (map) Join us for the next step in the Land Use & Circulation Elements (LUCE) process. Santa Monica’s Planning & Community Development Department to the conclusion of our last workshop on transportation. At this meeting, we will roll out the 20-year transportation plan with a presentation and open house style opportunity style opportunity to provide input into different aspects of the plan. Here are some components about what we will be presenting.
TRAFFIC: Citywide policy to manage auto trips
CHARACTER: Tools for maintaining Santa Monica's charm and improving walk ability and bicycling
PARKING: Solutions for improving parking in neighborhoods and business districts
CLIMATE PROTECTION: Programs for reducing emissions for a sustainable future
PUBLIC BENEFITS: Requirements for amenities to make Santa Monica better and measuring progress
The entire Santa Monica community is encouraged to participate in Shaping the Future!

Composting Workshops
Check the Calendar of events for a workshop near you-
Saturday, March 1, 2008 from 2pm-7pm, Menemsha, Studio City, (map) The exclusive eco-conscious boutique will feature guest designers and a raffle for two promotional gift bags filled with apparel by Del Forte Denim and Loomstate, a pair of Tom’s Shoes, Pacifica Perfume, and designer tees.
Saturday, March 8, 2008 from 2pm-4pm, Livingreen, Culver City (map) A “Greening Your Home” workshop will be hosted by Greenopia Founder Gay Browne and special guest Monica Gilcrest, Global Green USA’s Resource Center Coordinator. The workshop will provide simple solutions for a greener home.
Sunday, March 9, 2008 from 2pm-4pm, Whole Foods Market in El Segundo,(map) Desiree Griffin, Whole Body Leader, will share with guests the importance of using personal skincare products with natural and organic ingredients.
Saturday, March 15, 2008 from 2pm-4pm, Vroman’s Bookstore, Pasadena, (map) Gay Browne will be hosting with a discussion on incorporating simple sustainable choices in everyday activities.
Sunday, March 16, 2008 from 1pm-3pm, Border’s Bookstore, Hollywood, (map) Gay Browne and Greenopia VP of Sustainability Ferris Kawar will discuss “Sustainable Living in an Urban Environment," including tips and resources on how to combat city life’s inevitable environmental impact with some simple daily choices.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 from noon-2pm, Central Library Store, Downtown (map) Gay Browne hosts with special guest Amelia Saltsman, author of The Santa Monica Farmers’ Market Cookbook, who will discuss the benefits of buying local produce.
Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 7:30pm, Village Books, Pacific Palisades, (map) This last book signing will have a discussion on “Everyday Sustainable Choices.”
The interactive website,, provides access to each published city guide’s listings, as well as localized editorial features and tips on living green. Greenopia Los Angeles 2nd edition is available at participating bookstores, specialty retailers, and grocery stores in Los Angeles. The guide can also be purchased online at for $17.95.
Edible Landscaping and Perennial Food Gardening, March 2 – April 13
With food and energy prices rising steadily and humanity straining Earth’s resources and systems, landscaping with edibles is more important than ever for personal, community, and global sustainability.
In this six-part course suitable for both landscape professionals and homeowners, Ecological Landscape Designer Darren Butler will cover the basics of designing, planning, and installing edible landscapes.
Topics are expected to include introduction to sustainable landscaping; landscape design principles; aesthetics of edible-landscape design; practicalities of edible-landscape design; site analysis; soil, testing soil, and preparations for planting; planning; watering methods; installing drip watering systems; planting and seeding methods; suitable species for Southern California; annuals in the edible landscape; innovative approaches to maximizing food production in perennial plantings; sources for materials, seeds, and plants; managing weeds and pests; maintaining the edible landscape and its fertility; and permaculture approaches to managing edible landscapes. Some hands-on work preparing a landscape, seeding, and installing plants is expected. Note that the course WILL NOT include information on aspects of running a landscape-design business (such as marketing, business practices, and working with clients).
This course will be moderately challenging. Gardening experience, basic understanding of organic gardening methods, and basic knowledge of biology and ecology are recommended but not required. Attendees without organic gardening experience should expect difficulty.
Course dates: Six Sundays 9:30 AM to 12:45 PM with short breaks only, March 2, 9, 16, 30, April 6, 13 (arrival encouraged by 9:00 AM). No class on March 23 (Easter).
Course location: Pasadena near North Allen and the 210 freeway.
Course fee: $220 for early registration through Feb 22; $245 thereafter or on the day of. There will be an additional $50 fee for certification. Space permitting, attendance will be allowed to single classes for $50 per class.
Assistance is needed for video or audio recording of the sessions. Free tuition available in trade.
Call or email Darren Butler to sign up: or 818.271.0963

"What is Kombucha?" "How do I make it?" "What can Kombucha do for me?" Learn the answers to these questions and much more at Kombucha Kamp – the hands on workshop that informs, tantalizes and delights the senses.
The Kamp starts out with a sampling of the latest flavors. Creating flavors is one of the fun, creative parts of the process This time is also used to talk about the many health benefits of Kombucha. Then we move into the kitchen where to review Hannah Crum's Kombucha "operation". We will start out by making the tea and sugar for the brew, then move on to bottling the already fermented Kombucha. It is in the bottling stage that flavors are added. At last you will receive your Kombucha SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria & Yeasts) and starter liquid & easy to follow directions.
The cost is $25 per person and includes the starter kit. The workshop size is limited as it is conducted in Hannah's home near Culver City. Come see for yourself why Whole Life Times calls Hannah Crum the "LA Kombucha Mamma." (May 2007)
To learn more about Kombucha Kamp check out Hannah's blogspot or email.

Daily 9:30am - 5:30pm, with every 5th day off (for research & relaxation)
San Luis Obispo County, CA

The site for our course is Four Elements Farm, an organic farm and learning center nestled in the steep chaparral hills of California's Central Coast ~ off of hwy 41 between Morro Bay and Atascadero.
A Certificate Course for Design Professionals, Homeowners & Students
This course has something for everyone. The training includes some of the most inspiring examples of sustainable land use and human ingenuity from around the world.
Special Sessions on Regenerative Agriculture
l Principles of Natural Systems Design
l Sacred Geometry: Fire, Water, Earth and Air
l Simple Steps Toward a Sustainable Lifestyle
l Natural Building & Property Development
l Adding Beauty & Value to Your Home
l Organizing Eco Neighborhoods
l Strategies for Energy Descent & Peak Oil
l Localizing Food Production & Eco-Agriculture
l Green Business Strategies
l Finding your Right-Livelihood Career
Final course work includes student design presentations, community project and Trade and Talent Show.
A more fun or informative course would be hard to find. Our text book, Permaculture: A Designer's Manual, by Bill Mollison, was once reviewed by Whole Earth saying "If information had density... this book would be a black hole!"
l PART ONE, April 20 - 23, 2008
Fire, Water, Earth & Air - Introduction to Permaculture and Natural Pattern Understanding.
l PART TWO, April 25 - 28, 2008
Food, Water, Shelter & Energy - Designing & Building the Complete Home Ecosystem.
l PART THREE, April 30 - May 3, 2008
Community & Green Business - EcoVillage Design and Community Celebration.
Permaculture: a Designers Manual by Bill Mollison
Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home Scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway

These books can be ordered from

To register by phone & pay by credit card, call 805.459.0452, 9am to 5pm PST.
To register by mail send your name, address, phone #, email, choice of event & mail with your check made payable to:
Santoyo & Associates
793A Foothill Blvd #130
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
$250.00 non-refundable deposit required for the Design Course registration to guarantee your space.
Requirements include:
l Full Attendance
l Design Team Exercises & Final Presentation
l Participation in the Talent Show
l All Payment Agreements met in full
$1450.00 (pre-paid in full) Includes tuition, most meals, campsite and certification
Contact us about attending partial course
Some additional materials and other fees may apply
Campsites included; bring your own camping equipment.
Teachers may apply for scholarship discounts.
Payment plans and work-trades are available (with an additional $100.00 administrative fee). To apply contact:
Become a sponsor and help create the conditions for sustainability to happen! Sponsor a student, with tax-deductible contributions to the Terra Foundation's Permaculture Scholarship Fund. Contact us at for details and additional benefits.
In cooperation with Four Elements Organic Farm, HopeDance Media, The Terra Foundation

September 26th & 27th, 10 am - 5 pm
Santa Monica Civic Auditorium (map) free admission
* More than 150 exhibits will offer an extensive presentation of the latest examples and information on vehicle and transportation technologies including electric, natural gas, biodiesel, hydrogen, ethanol, propane, and hybrid and alternative technologies.
* Ride & Drive lot for an experience with all technologies.
* Seminars and panels discussing and debating transportation options and more.
* Vehicles for sale on-site.
For general and exhibitor information, please call Christine at Platia Productions (310) 390-2930 or e-mail:
Payroll Status: Exempt
Department/Location: Fleet/Local Market
Positions Supervised: Fleet Assistants and Outside Vendors
Position of Supervisor: General Manager Local Market
Position Summary: Fleet Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the fleet in a given market.
Essential Functions of the Job:
1. Negotiate Parking:
-Analyze and determine “prime” parking spaces in local market for potential Zipcar vehicles based on research of area and expected member use.
-Research usage report and make pricing and marketing area recommendations.
-Negotiate rental prices and contract terms for use of parking spaces.
-Coordinate Zipcar signage for acquired parking spaces.
2. Acquisition of Vehicles:
-Work with Director of Fleet Operations and/or Senior Fleet Manager to take delivery of new vehicles as well as vehicles from other markets.
-Over-see the transportation of new vehicles from dealers to electronic installers and supervise and ensure vendors perform the following functions properly:
*Inputting of information into computer system;
*Ensuring proper outfitting of vehicles with interior and exterior branding, i.e. vehicle stickers, visors, maps, license plate frames, exterior branding, etc.
3. Upkeep/Maintenance/Repair of Vehicles:
-Determine when and what preventative maintenance should be performed on vehicles, including mobile detailing services.
-Hire and ensure proper maintenance and repairs performed on vehicles by vendors and negotiate prices and contract terms for services.
-Analyze and determine when damaged vehicles should be repaired, remain on the line, or taken off the line permanently.
-Oversee accident report process and ensure appropriate number of vehicles remain available to members.
4. Supervision of Fleet Staff
-Hire, supervise, and train at least two fleet staff personnel to perform duties as determined necessary by Fleet Manager.
-Supervise fleet staff in transporting vehicles to and from maintenance and repair vendors.
-Supervise fleet staff in the branding of vehicles with company logos, stickers, license plate frames, etc.
Other Job Duties:
1. Oversee and Management of Records:
Maintain or supervise the maintenance of database records, including VINs, registration, and insurance information. Oversee processing of registration renewals annually for payment. Ensure vehicles contain proper insurance and gas cards.
2. Troubleshooting:
Troubleshoot as needed.
3. Member Assistance with Vehicles:
Perform vehicle-related member assistance and share on-call member assistance duties.
Minimum Qualifications:
-Experience in managing service contractors or other outside vendors.
-Good organizational skills.
-General knowledge of automobiles.
-Ability to work without close supervision.
-Good verbal and written communication skills and interpersonal skills.
-Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office.
-Approval for Zipcar membership (or existing Zipcar membership).
Salary DOE; includes benefits, 401(k).
Interested potential applicants should email Gabriel Scheer
Division: Administration
AEG Entity: AEG
Reports To: Kevin McDowell, EVP & Chief Administrative Officer
FLSA Designation: Exempt
Date Written/Revised: 12.06.07
The Vice President, Purchasing is responsible for strategic volume purchasing of goods for the company. This individual will develop a centralized model for sourcing and managing a wide network of suppliers who will assist the company in driving its sustainability initiatives through its purchasing power. The individual will also be responsible for driving process and systems improvements/ controls and purchasing activities with the goal of optimizing the contribution to operating profit. The individual will direct the usage of resources in such a way that the purchasing and procurement processes are always as effective as possible. This position reports directly to the Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer.
➢ Major contributor to the organization’s productivity and success via strategies to reduce and avoid cost, as well as assure the timely receipt of materials.
➢ Ensures that the successful strategy criteria will include best value and volume pricing terms and conditions, in addition to payment provisions and technical performance requirements that conform to the business unit’s specifications.
➢ Oversee the selection of suppliers that meet our business requirements and direct all vendor negotiations to guarantee favorable contract terms and conditions.
➢ Develop, maintain, and continuously advance procurement and planning procedures for the organization. These actions should represent best practice procedures for the resources available now, but should also be scalable to the larger organization that we are becoming.
➢ Manage all aspects of the department in order to achieve performance excellence in support of the organization’s strategic and tactical objectives, including supporting the Director of Supplier Diversity and his staff in the development of the procurement equity program; supporting and driving the company’s sustainability initiatives; managing existing and future reciprocal sponsorship and founding partner agreements (e.g., STAPLES Business Advantage , The Home Depot, Olevia, etc.) and working with The Anschutz Company sourcing and purchasing teams.
➢ Support the development of minority business to business development through the Supplier Diversity initiatives.
➢ Provides systems and tools that create a positive experience for vendors, making it easy to do work for the company. Develop and maintain high quality purchasing systems – e.g., vendor self service, e-procurement, vendor master maintenance, etc.
➢ Manage suppliers by use of formal Key Performance Indicators (“KPI’s”) on a quarterly basis.
➢ Create and maintain meaningful analytics such as cost of non-compliance to standards, productivity measurements and quality measurements.
➢ Maintain compliance with all regulatory requirements and ethical standards related to purchasing and procurement.
➢ Recruit, coach and develop staff with the objective of monitoring and continually improving the capabilities of the purchasing staff, to optimize individual performance and improve efficiencies, processes, and overall lower costs.
➢ Communicates effectively and continuously, aligning employees with organizational goals and develops employees through guidance and training
➢ Other projects, functions, and duties as may be assigned by management.
➢ Education: BS/BA in related field.
➢ Minimum of 10 years purchasing experience within a dynamic, high growth and complex business environment.
➢ Experience in taking a manual environment and developing an automated environment is highly desirable.
➢ Experience developing volume purchase agreements and sponsorship reciprocal agreements required.
➢ Minimum of 5 years managing and developing subordinate staff.
➢ Masterful negotiation, analytical, and vendor relationship management abilities
➢ Outstanding written and verbal communication skills
➢ Ability to work with cross-functional internal and external teams
➢ Superior decision making, problem solving and interpersonal skills
➢ Excellent organizational and time management skills necessary to meet deadlines and multitask
➢ Demonstrated ability to partner with domestic and international teams helpful
➢ Computer skills to include excellent knowledge of JD Edwards, Microsoft Office, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
UPCOMING LA Green Drinks
LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach
Thursday, March 13th, 2008
68 Pier Avenue
Hermosa Beach, CA
LA Green Drinks – West Hollywood/Silver Lake
Thursday, March 20th, 2008
7pm – 10pm
Location to be determined
LA Green Drinks - Studio City
Thursday, March 27th, 2008
Next Door Tapas
11814 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91614
Bookmark this website for future updates