Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good Luck Bar Thurs (+3 New Job listings)

LA Green Drinkers,

The Belamar is really working for the South Bay LA Green Drinks location-
If you haven't been there yet check it out (remember it's free valet parking)
The bar where we meet in the Belamar now has their own website-


Thanks to the organizers Sarah, Dan, Crystal and Todd for all their consistent work.
and special thanks to Todd for snapping some pix!

This week look for Sarah Marr (aka The Green Queen) again in Silver Lake at the Good Luck Bar.

LA Green Drin
ks - West Hollywood / Silverlake

Thursday, August 21st
, 2008
The Good Luck Bar
1514 Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027

If anyone wants to bring literature to promote their green issue
please do so- we will have an area for brochures, business cards, etc.
We will also take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.
The main thing is just to relax and
have a good time.

LA Green Drinks Schedule
West Side is 1st Thursday of every month.
South Bay 2nd Thursday of every month.
Hollywood/Silver Lake is 3rd Thursday of every month.
Downtown 4th Wednesday of every month.
Valley 4th Thursday of every month.

Bookmark this website for future updates

Green Gourmet Eco Speaker Series event Wednesday, August 20th 7pm
Here's another wonderful chance for an intimate evening with Special Guest Joseph Gillard the Executive Chef of Napa Valley Grille in Westwood (map). He will be doing a live cooking demonstration using sustainable and organic ingredients fresh from the Farmers Market!
Special advance purchase tickets are available online at: www.EcoUmbrella.com/green_gourmet_tickets

Opportunity Green 2008 Nov 8-9 - University of California, Los Angeles
Opportunity Green is a convergence of the prime movers & shakers and the up & coming innovators driving today's new green economy. Rub elbows with 500 of the best and brightest thought leaders: entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors and designers, all focused on building socially responsible and sustainable enterprises.
2008 Speakers Include:
Rick Ridgeway, VP of Environmental Programs and Communication, Patagonia
Lorrie Vogel, General Manager, Considered Products, Nike
Michela O'Connor Abrams, President/Publisher, Dwell Magazine
Joshua Onysko, CEO, Founder, Pangea Organics
Rand Waddoups, Senior Director of Corporate Strategy and Sustainability for Wal-Mart
Zem Joaquin, Founder/Editor In Chief, Ecofabulous
Adeo Ressi, Founding member, The Funded and Trustee, X Prize Foundation
Tom Szaky, CEO, Founder, Terracycle
Mark Alt, President, Marc Alt + PartnerJosh Dorfman, Founder & CEO, Vivavi
Michael Besancon, President, Southern Pacific Region Whole Foods
Andy Funk, CEO and Chairman, Funk Ventures
Forge new strategic partnerships while exploring Sustainable Strategies and Best Practices.
Explore Product Innovation & Design for Sustainability, How Leading Fortune 500's are Implementing Sustainability for Growth, Raising Investment Capital, Branding, What's Hot/Not in Green, The Clean Tech Revolution and more.
Register now, early bird discount ends August 31st. Full time student early registration gets even deeper discount.

Sustainable Biointensive Gardening - Aug 24; Sep 7, 14, 28; Oct 12, 19, 26; Nov 2
Eight Sund
ays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM with short breaks only, (arrival encouraged by 9:00 AM).
Location: Mar Vista near Palms and Walgrove. Easy access from the 10 and 405 freeways.
Fee: $310 for early registration through Aug 15; $350 thereafter. There will be an additional $50 fee for certification. Space permitting, attendance will be allowed to single classes for $55 per class. Half-price tuition available for students repeating the course with expectation that you'll offer occasional assistance during class. Enrollment is limited and most of my cou
rses are full before the early registration deadline.
Difficulty: 6 out of 10. Not for beginners. Either a couple of years’ organic gardening experience or completion of EcoWorkshop's Ecofriendly High-Yield Food Gardening Course are strongly recommended as prerequisites. Students should have mastered basic gardening skills and be familiar with composting, starting seeds, and organic methods. Some basic topics will be covered. Beginners or relatively new gardeners should expect difficulty. Intermediate/expert students sh
ould expect that time will be spent on basics.
Call 818.271.0963 or email Darren Butler to sign up: allnet@pobox.com
Experienced Southern California foo
d gardeners know that incredible year-round yields are possible here through organic gardening methods, but we might not realize how dependent those yields are on inputs such as organic amendments; micronutrients; purchased seeds; compost, mulch, and other biomass grown offsite; municipal water; and fossil fuels to manufacture/extract/sort/filter and transport them all.
The Earth is signaling clearly that our global transportation, emission, energy-use, water-use, manufacturing, and consumption habits are not sustainable. Many experts consider an ongoing and deepening global crisis in food availability, prices, and security to be likely. Skills and knowledge necessary to producing high yields of food locally without reliance on unsustainable inputs are in short supply in Southern California and worldwide in our globalized economy, where components of any given meal often come from hundreds or thousands of miles away. This course will attempt to extend the skills of already-effective gardeners to allow them to maximize yields and meet calorie and nutrition needs in the smallest possible growing area as sustainably as possible while at the same time building soil fertility. Sustainable biological systems require that surplus be produced by me
mbers of the systems. Soil fertility is perhaps the most important surplus that we can give forward to future human generations.
Topics for the course are expected to include history/theory of biointensive gardening; comparison to organic, permaculture, biodynamic, and other methods; double-digging; soil testing and bed preparation; use of tools including spading fork, widger, trans
planting trowel, etc.; sustainability; flat construction; sustainable soil-and-fertility building; biointensive seed starting; pricking out and transplanting; efficient/low-carbon-loss composting; intensive backyard fruit and berry production; pruning for intensive fruit/berry production; espaliering in small spaces; intro to graywater systems and rainwater collection, intro to seed saving, and more. A large fraction of the course material, including spiritual/philosophical approaches, perspectives on soil, biointensive-gardening tenets, and information specific to biointensive gardening in Southern California are based upon my own experience and invention and are available nowhere else.
Most of the course time will be spent in classroom-style instruction, with demonstrations and some hands-on. A Sustainable Biointensive Gardening Certificate is available for those who want a credential, with specific requirements.

Reading List: Core b
ooks are How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons (prefer 7th edition from late 2006, 6th edition also fine) and Teaming With Microbes by Lowenfels and Lewis (2006). Reading both books is required for certification and strongly recommended for all attendees. The Sustainable Vegetable Garden by Jeavons and Cox (1999) is recommended as a simplified introduction before tackling the more difficult Jeavons, above. Dozens of other books are recommended throughout the course based up the day's topics of discussion.

Edible Lands
caping and Perennial Food Gardening - Aug 24; Sep 7, 14, 28; Oct 12, 19
Course location: Brentwood near Sunset and Barrington. Easy access from the 405 freeway.
Six Sundays 3:00 PM to 6:30 PM with short breaks only, (arrival encouraged by 2:45 PM). No class Aug 31 (Labor Day Weekend).

Course fee: $245 for early registration through Aug 15; $285 thereafter or on the day of. There will be an additional $50 fee for certification. Space permitting, attendance will be allowed to single classes for $55 per class. Half-price tuition available for students repeating the course with expectation that you'll offer occasional assistance during class. Enrollment is limited and most courses are full before the early registration deadline.
Call 818.271.0963 or email Darren Butler to sign up: allnet@pobox.com
With food and energy prices rising steadily and humanity straining Earth’s resources and systems, landscaping with edibles is more important than ever for personal, community, and global sustainability.
In this six-part course suitable for landscape professionals, homeowners, community activists, volunteers, chefs, kitchen gardeners, and fo
odies, Ecological Landscape Designer Darren Butler will cover the basics of designing, planning, and installing edible landscapes.
While many Southern C
alifornians wait to think about gardening until spring, the best time of year to plant in most of Southern California is fall through spring. This fall course will allow you to plant for a few months following the last session before hot weather arrives.
Topics are expected to include introduction to sustainable landscaping; landscape design principles; aesthetics of edible-landscape design; practicalities of edible-landscape design; site analysis; soil, testing soil, and preparations for planting; planning; watering methods; installing drip watering systems; planting and seeding methods; suitable species for Southern California; annuals in the edible landscape; innovative approaches to maximizing food production in perennial plantings; sources for materials, seeds, and plants; managing weeds and pests; maintaining the edible landscape and its fertility; and permaculture approaches to managing edible landscapes. Some hands-on work preparing a landscape, seeding, and installing plants is expected. Note that the course WILL NOT include information on aspects of running a landscape-design business (such as marketing, business practices, and working with clients).

Green Speed Dating August 25th 6-8
Mory's of Naples (map)
Branch out and Meet other environmentally friendly singles at Long Beach's first green speed dating event ever!!! What have you got to lose?
age range: 25 - 45 years old
price: $25, all proceeds from this event help bring solar energy to a rural school in Nicaragua
For details and to sign up. visit www.greenspeeddating.com

Green Battle of the DJs - August 29th
Humanitaire Entertainment is hosting the first ever ALL GREEN Charity event in Hollywood at the historic Avalon Theater on August 29th. It is a Battle of the DJs headlined by Steve Aoki and LA Riot. Dedicated to bridge the gap between youth culture and environmental consciousness by integrating familiar forms of entertainment and artistic expression.
100 percent of ticket proceeds will go to GLOBAL GREEN USA.
There will be an organic beer and wine garden, a green gallery and a bio cell green carpet. Event-goers will be able to vote on the winning DJ, who will win an eco-friendly prize.
Come join us for a night of green fun!!
Please visit us at http://humanitaireentertainment.org/.

What's Going On? Toxic chemicals in our toys, cosmetics and bodies, Thursday, September 11th 6:30pm
Bullocks Wilshire Building, Southwestern Law School
350 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles 90401 (map)
Toxic chemicals contaminate every American's body and have been linked to serious health effects like cancer, reproductive problems and learning disabilities. Join us as we expose the hidden dangers of chemicals found in our everyday environment and find out what we can do
as we discuss "What's Going On?"
Richard Wiles, co-founder of the Environmental Working Group, will give a multimedia presentation about the 287 chemicals found in the blood of 10 very special Americans. Stacy Malkin, author of "Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry" will read an excerpt from her book about toxic chemicals in personal care products. And Christopher Gavigan, Executive Director of Healthy Child Healthy World, and author of the book with the same name, will provide simple steps to reduce children's exposure to toxic chemicals.
The event is free (donations are welcome), and light food and beverages will be provided.
Secure your spot today

The Trust For Public Land - National Park(ing) Day, Friday, September 19th National Park(ing) Day is an opportunity to celebrate parks in cities and promote the need for more parks by creating temporary public parks in public parking spaces. Who participates? National Park(ing) Day is an all-volunteer effort. All are welcome to participate. What next? From this website you can access documents to help you create a Park(ing) Park or to promote National Park(ing) Day, tips for successful Park(ing) Day events, links to connecting to other Park(ing) participants, and links to pictures, news, and videos from past events. For more information, contact Matthew Shaffer, sendto:matthew.shaffer@tpl.org, (415) 495-4014. How did Park(ing) Day start? San Francisco art collective REBAR first created "PARK(ing)" in 2005 to re-imagine the potential of the metered parking space. In 2006, in collaboration with TPL, REBAR founded "PARK(ing) Day": a global exploration of the creative potential of streets. National Parking Day is a celebration of parks and open space, and you are invited to participate. If you participate with The Trust for Public Land (TPL), you are asked to honor the terms of the license given by the inventors of Parking Day, the artists collective named REBAR (i) by working with TPL to give REBAR credit in any materials you display or distribute, and (ii) by not making a commercial use of this celebration in the form of sales or services in the park. If you create a park independent of The Trust for Public Land and you are a commercial entity, please contact REBAR at participate@parkingday.org to arrange for permission to do so under REBAR's Creative Commons License.

Registration now open for the 6th Annual LA Permaculture Design Course Series
• EcoUrbanism
• Green Living
• DIY Home & Garden Design
• Peak Oil & Energy Descent
• Sustainable Business
October 08 - March 09
Learn from The Most Experienced Team of Permaculture Designers in the US and Recognized Leaders in the World-Wide Sustainability Movement
Easy and Affordable...
One weekend a month for 6 months -and up to 50% payment plans and work-trades available! Partial Scholarship available to all Teachers. Certification through The Permaculture Institute. Series can also be taken for non-certification.
Starts Oct 4th & 5th...
Join us on the first weekends of October '08 through March '09 for this annual event that continues to build and strengthen sustainable community networks.
Venues take us in and around Los Angeles, including SAJE headquarters, Rocky Ranch and Farmlab+Under Spring.
Solutions, Solutions, Solutions!
Learn about the art and science of following the Patterns of Nature, how to use the indicators of sustainability, and arrive at a new understanding of how to approach and solve every issue that human settlement requires -food, water, shelter, energy and more.
Permaculture Design is a Revival of Common Sense, useful on any scale. This course will provide us with the vocabulary and the vision for a solutions-based approach to the challenges of contemporary living, allowing us to empower ourselves and our communities in gaining abundance, vitality and balance in our daily world.
Instructors include:
Larry Santoyo, Jude Hobbs, Scott Pittman, Toby Hemenway, Heather Flores, John Valenzuela, Karl Kras, Traci Spencer, Joan Stevens, Corinna Gebert and other very special guests.
Plus -field trips -and hands-on learning opportunities...
Find out more about the Design Course Experience
Register Here $950.00 entire course -or $90.00 per day -or $175 per weekend; Visa, MC, AmEx accepted
Discounts, Trades & Payment Plans...
As we truly want to make this training available to everyone, any and all proposals will be considered!
Special Thanks to:
The Terra Foundation, Sustainable Santa Monica, The Permaculture Institute, The Center for Pattern Literacy, Cascadia Permaculture, Food Not Lawns, FarmLab+Under Spring, Rocky Ranch, Strategic Actions for a Just Economy
For more info contact: permaculture@earthflow.com
Sign up for our newsletter of updates and special events!!!

o Gift 2008 Booths are on sale now! Download a PDF here to apply
* S
anta Monica Civic: December 12, 13, 14
* Presenting Sponsor: LA Time
* Total Booths: 200

* Expected Attendance: 10,000 +
* Festival Elements: Speaker Series, Music, Organic Food Court
Eco Gift is the largest environmentally conscious consumer gift show in the world. Eco Gift delivers a stress-free holiday shopping experience unlike any other in the country. Presented in a festival-like setting, Eco Gift showcases world-class live entertainment, socially conscious speakers, an organic food court and on-site eco gift-wrapping and shipping. Eco Gift provides attendees with access to the products of environmentally conscious companies from a diverse collection of industries such as Home and Garden, Health and Wellness, Bath and Body, Conscious Media, Jewelry, Cosmetics, Children's Toys and Games, Athletic Apparel, Eco-Fashion, and Yoga supplies. The company holds its events to the highest standards of sustainability with the intention of keeping their own greening efforts at the cutting-edge. Eco Gift donates a percentage of its profits each year to various charities, such as Global Green USA and The Whole Planet Foundation. Currently held uniquely in Los Angeles, Eco Gift will expand to multiple markets in the United States and internationally in 2009.

Composting Workshops
Check the Calendar of eve
nts for a workshop near you- http://www.lacity.org/SANN/SAN

Bike once a week, and fight climate change with Clif Bar's 2 Mile
In the United States 40% of trips are 2 miles or less and 90% of those trips are by car. Cliff Bar is challenging people to get out of their cars and onto their bikes for these short trips to help reduce CO2 emissions. So far people have stepped up and 52,062 pounds of CO2 have been saved.

If you have more fruit than you know what to do with- a plum tree that is making a mess, an abundance of peaches, oranges drying on the tree...
Donate it to a good cause.
Hunger Action L.A. feeds needy people around Los Angeles. They have been purchasing fruit on their own and would very much welcome donations from your backyard.
Drop off fruit in bags at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood (drop off in back of church) at 6054 Yucca St. at Gower (map). Conveniently right off of the 101.
Tuesdays from 1-5pm or Sundays at 12pm.
For more info contact Hunger Action L.A. 213 388-8228

Free Recycling Through the Mail In Los Angeles Post Office
Free and green. Those are the goals of a pilot program recently launched by the U.S. Postal Service that allows customers to recycle small electronics and inkjet cartridges by mailing them free of charge.

The "Mail Back" program helps consumers make more environmentally friendly choices, making it easier for customers to discard used or obsolete small electronics in an environmentally responsible way. Customers use free envelopes found in 1,500 Post Offices to mail back inkjet cartridges, PDAs, Blackberries, digital cameras, iPods and MP3 players – without having to pay for postage.
The free, postage-p
aid Mail Back envelopes can be found on displays in Post Office lobbies. There is no limit to the number of envelopes customers may take. The pilot is set for 10 areas across the country, including Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles and San Diego, but could become a national program this fall if the pilot program proves successful.

GreenLeaves Book C
GreenLeaves is a new network of book clubs and readers around the country focused on sustainability. Our goal is to generate a nationwide conversation around the same book at the same time, and to inspire each other to action based on our readings. We believe that by reading, discussing, and acting together we can achieve more together than we could by ourselves. Simply sign up at http://www.greenleavesbooks.org/to become a member of the GreenLeaves network. Anybody can join and it only takes a few seconds to register. Once you've done that you're invited to explore the GreenLeaves website. The Forum is where we discuss the book of the month, exchange action ideas, and talk about related topics. You can also publish a blog, customize your personal page, and share videos, photos, and music. GreenLeaves members are encouraged to join or start their own book clubs. These clubs may meet in person, or they may be virtual clubs that only 'meet' online. Each club gets its own page on the network, and you can browse the list of those that have already been formed at http://www.greenleavesbooks.org/groups The clubs are intended to catalyze group discussion and action on a local level. We hope you will consider joining our conversation!

Outreach Manager, Energy Efficiency Program
The Climate Registry is the leading greenhouse gas (GHG) registry in North America comprised of over 39 states, eight Canadian Provinces, six Mexican states, and three Indian tribes. The Registry is centralizing and standardizing greenhouse gas emissions management throughout North America, providing a basic framework for taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Based on GHG accounting and verification best practices, the Registry has developed tools to assist organizations in calculating, publicly reporting, and verifying their GHG emissions annually. Registry participants include corporations, non-profit organizations, municipalities, state agencies, and other entities. More information about the Registry is available at: www.TheClimateRegistry.org.

The Registry offers an opportunity to work at an organization playing a central role in solving the world’s climate change issues. It is a fast-paced environment with an entrepreneurial spirit and tremendous potential for growth and advancement.

The Climate Registry has partnered with Utility companies throughout North America to administer a joint marketing program encouraging and rewarding large business customers of utility companies to install energy efficiency projects and to join The Climate Registry. The program staff provides education to utility company staff and customers about the relationship between energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions; promotes the installation of energy efficiency projects; encourages customers to join The Climate Registry program in order to measure their organizations’ greenhouse gas footprints; and provides limited media relations services to participants of the program to communicate their environmental leadership to the public.

The Outreach Manager, North American Energy Efficiency Program, is a full-time, exempt position at the Registry, and will report to the Director, North American Energy Efficiency Program. The Outreach Manager will focus on the following:
1.) Recruit business customers of utility companies to the Energy Efficiency Program through direct sales calls, presentations to associations, mailings, and email correspondence.
2.) Manage day to day relationship with utility company management and their team of business customer account executives.
3.) Handle administrative tasks such as writing monthly update reports; tracking leads and installed projects; and overseeing the participant application and registration process.
4.) Provide limited marketing and communications consultation to participants; create limited marketing and communications materials; work with outside public relations agency.

Outreach: 85%
* Conduct direct sales calls to large corporate and local governmental organizations with the goal of signing them up to The Climate Registry and encouraging the installation of energy efficiency projects.
* Contact qualified leads via telephone and email to promote program.
* Conduct speaking engagements & presentations at industry association meetings.
* Conduct trainings on the relationship between energy efficiency and climate change for utility company staff and customers.
* Create limited marketing and communications materials.
* Act as a liason with outside public relations agency.
Administrative: 15%
* Track leads and progress of projects on excel spreadsheets
* Write monthly update reports
* Provide general administrative support for program
* Oversee participant application and registration process.

* Five to seven years successful experience in sales, marketing, or consulting preferably for a utility company, energy company, or environmental organization.
* Bachelor’s Degree in business, marketing, environmental science, or related field.
* Interest in/experience/knowledge of energy efficiency, climate change issues, and program development helpful.
* Strong self starter; ability to work independently in a fast paced environment.
* Exceptional organizational, prioritizing, interpersonal and communications skills.
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications
* U.S. citizen or legal right to work in the U.S.
* Passion to improve the environment and create a more sustainable existence for all.
Preferred candidates will have the following characteristics:
* Professional, friendly, outgoing and enthusiastic personality;
* A proactive attitude and ability to work independently;
* Entrepreneurial spirit; can-do attitude
The Registry offers excellent opportunities for personal and professional growth. Salary is commensurate with experience. The Registry also offers a comprehensive benefit package including health and dental insurance and retirement saving options.
The position is available immediately. Applications will be accepted through August 31st, 2008 or until filled. Interested candidates should e-mail, mail, or fax the following documents:
* Cover letter
* Resume
* Writing sample (5 page maximum)
Applications can be emailed, faxed, or mailed to the following address:
Attention search: Outreach Manager, Energy Efficiency
The Climate Registry
523 W. 6th Street, Suite 445
Los Angeles, CA 90014
EMAIL: jobs@theclimateregistry.org
FAX: 213-623-6716
The Climate Registry is an equal opportunity employer.

epOxyGreen is the largest sustainable design and renovation showroom in the LA area committed to featuring the most exciting new products and innovations in Green Home Design and Living. We are looking for an upbeat, highly organized, solutions-oriented, pro-active team player to assist with the following:
Sales and Client Management: Greet potential clients who enter the showroom, determine their needs, create client file and follow up with communication and necessary logistics, create quotes and follow through to the resulting sale. Interfacing with the Order and Fulfillment Manager that client orders have been place and processed.
Administration: Answer the phone, manage client status and files, general HR filing.
Product Mastery: Become an expert in epOxyGreen's product line, able to answer customer questions regarding specs, pricing, application, and "sustainable nature".
Showroom Maintenance: Ensure that the showroom is always presentable.
Interested applicants, please submit applications to HumanResources@epOxyGreen.com.
This position will start at $10/HR fulltime, 9AM to 6PM with an hour break.

Solar Installation Supervisor
GRID Alternatives is a non-profit organization that provides energy efficiency and renewable energy services to low-income families. Our main program is the Solar Affordable Housing Program which installs solar electric systems for low-income homeowners with volunteers and job trainees. We are looking for a full-time Solar Installation Supervisor to manage the installation of solar electric systems on the homes of low-income families.
Job Duties
• Conduct site visits to screen potential sites for solar access and safety issues
• Design and engineer small, residential solar electric systems
• Put together permit packages, utility interconnection agreements, and assist with rebate paperwork
• Train volunteers in solar electric installation
• Oversee installations of solar electric systems with crews of volunteers and/or job trainees
• Ensure that all solar installations are installed according to GRID Alternatives safety and quality standards
• Directly supervise and train solar installer job trainees (extended job training to 1 solar installer trainee per quarter)
• Other job duties include equipment purchasing, hardware store runs, equipment unloading and loading, answering homeowner and volunteer questions, talking to media and generally participating in activities necessary to make solar happen for low-income families
Position Requirements
• Experience in PV system design and installation or equivalent electrical/construction experience
• Excellent communication skills (ability to work with volunteers and clients, ability to represent GRID Alternatives positively)
• Comfortable working as part of a team
• Flexibility and willingness to embrace change, go the extra mile, and bring ideas and energy to rapidly growing organization
• Willingness to work on evenings and weekends
• Some travel outside the Los Angeles area required

Preferred Qualifications
• Passion for sustainability, affordable housing, the environment, or environmental
justice, or just generally grounded in making the world a better place
• Experience in training and/or working with volunteers
• Proficiency with Microsoft Excel and AutoCAD
• Holds C-10 or C-46 contractor license

The majority of the work for this position will be conducted at construction and residential sites located throughout Greater Los Angeles. Office work will be at our office located in Carson.
Compensation - $45,000-60,000 depending on relevant experience + health, dental, vacation, and 403b retirement
Travel and Work Schedule - This position requires work on weekends as well as travel to job sites throughout Greater Los Angeles (as well as some travel outside Los Angeles). GRID Alternatives provides travel reimbursement, but applicant must hold a valid driver license.
To Apply: Submit resume and cover letter via email to: jobsgla@gridalternatives.org and include Solar Installation Supervisor in the subject heading.
Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until September 5 – position open until filled. Start Date: September 2008
We are an equal opportunity employer.

Web Development/Coding: 1.5 week "quick" job for www.chivasskincare.com. The site is already up (PHP, ZencCart); need to re-do look of the front end. Have JPEG of desired design. Contact Lauren@chivasskincare.com.

Low Impact Living (www.lowimpactliving.com) is the largest green home site and a fast-growing resource for all Americans looking to go green at home. We have the largest directory of green home products and services across the U.S. available online. We plan to be the go-to resource for all people embracing sustainability in their personal lives. We are a scrappy start-up with big ambitions! We are looking for a part-time sales person who wants to help us grow our online directory and bring more wonderful green solutions to the market. We are looking for someone who is hungry, flexible, and willing to work hard. A sense of humor is a must. You must like to research green companies, talk on the phone, and write lots of emails. Excellent written- and spoken-communication skills required. 2-3 years of post-college work experience required, preferably in sales and/or marketing. Online experience preferred but not required. **There is potential for this to become a full-time position and you can advance through the company. Please send your resume and a cover letter to jessica@lowimpactliving.com.

LA Green Drinks - Downtown
Wednesday, August 27th, 2008
Pharmaka Gallery
101 West 5th Street at Main
Los Angeles, CA 90013

LA Green Drinks – Valley
Thursday, August 28th 2008
7pm-10pm sharp
Green and Greener
4838 Laurel Canyon Boulevard
Valley Village 91607

LA Green Drinks - West Side
Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Culver City

LA Green Drinks - South Bay
Thursday, September 11th, 2008
Second Story Restaurant & Bar

@ the belamar hotel

3501 N Sepulveda Blvd
Manhattan Beach, CA
(310) 546-9162
Northwest Corner of N. Valley Drive and N. Sepulveda.

LA Green Drinks returns to the West Hollywood / Silverlake on September 18th.

Bookmark this website for future updates