Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hermosa Beach - Thursday 10th!

LA Green Drinkers,

Thanks to
PLAN-IT Hardware and Livingreen for our helping to organizer our first LA Green Drinks fundraiser last week.
We raised $124 dollars for
Green Ambassadors!

We will be holding it again at Livingreen February 7th and will raise money for that month for SustainableWorks.

Look for Dan at this months Hermosa Beach LA Green Drinks!

LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach
Thursday, January
10th, 2008

68 Pier Avenue

Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

If anyone wants to bring literature to promote their green issue please do so-
we will have an area for brochures, business cards, etc.
We will al
so take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.
The main th
ing is just to relax and have a good time.

Bookmark this blog fo
r future updates

LA Green Drinks - West Side is the 1st Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks -
Hermosa Beach is the 2nd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake is the 3rd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Studio City is the 4th Thursday of every month.


Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program -- Application packets available now through January 15th
Common Ground Garden Program
Offered every spring, the Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program provides intense gardening training to enable volunteers to help low-income residents grow their own food. The curriculum emphasizes organic gardening and covers vegetables, fruits, flowers, shrubs, trees, soils, composting, pests and harvesting. Once trained, Master Gardeners provide free gardening workshops and their technical expertise to approximately 60 public community gardens, hundreds of school gardens, and many senior and shelter gardens throughout Los Angeles County.
Classes are held every Saturday in March, April and May from 9 am to 4 pm.

Sustainable Works Green Living Workshops
Learn how to live more sustainably through a 6 week series of meetings covering:
- Water
- Energy
- Waste
- Chemicals
- Transportation&Travel
- Food&Shopping.

Wednesday nights 7-8:30pm
starting January 16th
Santa Monica Public Library
601 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica

Thursday nights 7-8:30pm
January 17th
402 Santa Monica Blvd.
Santa Monica

Saturday afternoons 1-2:30pm
starting February 9th
Virginia Ave. Park
2200 Virginia Ave.
Santa Monica

Suggested Donation for Santa Monica residents $25, all others $50.
Includes training, comprehensive textbook, and sustainable tools
(water saving fixtures, compact fluorescent bulb, organic cotton bag, etc.)
Contact Barent Roth to join a workshop today,
Workshops will cap at 25 so sign up today!
310.458.8716 x1

Sustainable Santa Monica Community Event
Tuesday, January 29th
6:30-9PM Santa Monica Public Library, MLK Room

Please join us Tuesday, January 29th, from 6-9PM at the Santa Monica Public Library for a panel discussion on sustainability in our community. Discussion topics will include:
* What is a sustainable community?
An overview of the guiding principles and goal areas in Santa Monica’s Sustainable City Plan.
* What resources and opportunities exist to participate in our local sustainable community?
Programs, rebates, grants & educational opportunities to make participating in a sustainable Santa Monica easy, affordable & fun.
Participating organizations include City of Santa Monica's Environmental Programs Division, Sustainable Works, and Global Green USA.
RSVP: RSVP is not required but recommended and appreciated.
Please RSVP to Traci Reitz, Community Sustainability Liaison, 310.266.4616 or

Sustainable Building Advisor Program - ongoing
Second Friday 9-5, Secon
d Saturday 9-3; 9 months, started Oct. 12th 2007
Class cost: $1,950
Material Fee: $0.00

Lead Instructor: Blair Seibert
Location: Los Angeles-Bundy Campus
Registration: Thru SMC's website:

Specialized training program for architects, engineers, developers, building owners, contractors and other building professionals interested in learning about strategies and tools for implementing sustainable building. Identify and articulate the key practices of sustainable building. Apply LEED™ and other relevant criteria or established guidelines. Analyze the costs and benefits of incorporating sustainable building measures. Work with architects, designers, builders, building operators, and utilities to improve a building's performance. Take advantage of financial incentives and technical assistance offered by governments, utilities and non-profit organizations. Establish sustainable design goals for project development. Assist in the education and training of staff in your facility or firm in sustainable building.

This class will prepare students for the optional NaSBAP exam which offers SBA Certification. Exam fees are not included in the course fee. See for more information about the exam.

The weekend course runs for nine months (first consecutive Friday and Saturday). For more information email: or call 310-422-2417.

Class Schedule:

Feb. 1 & 2
Mar. 7 & 8

Apr. 4 & 5
May 2 & 3
June 6 & 7

Composting Workshops
Check the Calendar of
events for a workshop near you-

Faster Freight – Cleaner Air California
Early registration open for February 25th - 27th confere
"Indeed, faster freight means cleaner air – the organizers of this conference got it exactly right"
– U.S. DOT S
ecretary Mary Peters at FFCA 2007
Over the pas
t four years, Faster Freight – Cleaner Air (FFCA) has established itself as the nation’s leading conference series on goods movement and air quality. This year, the anchor event of the series will take place at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Downtown Los Angeles. The event will feature general sessions, breakout sessions (tracks covering Marine, Rail, On-Road/Trucking, Infrastructure and Air Freight), a trade show and off-site tours of the San Pedro Bay Ports. Come join us at the Los Angeles Convention Center, February 25th through 27th, and see how FFCA is leading the charge to revolutionize the goods movement industry.

Kombucha Kamp
Give yourself and the ones you love the gift of health by learning how
to make Kombucha at home. You will sample flavors, learn how to make
the booch and receive a starter kit with detailed instructions.
The workshop is small and only lasts about an hour.
The cost is $20. It will be held Saturday Feb 16 @ 2pm.
For more information check out or email


Cyber-Rain, manufacturer of environmentally friendly sprinkler systems, is seeking a part-time PR consultant to contact green media, mainstream media and green educational organizations in order to significantly improve media coverage and visibility of Cyber-Rain products. Applicants must have pre-existing media contacts and proven experience.
Learn more about Cyber-Rain Contact: Reza Pourzia,

LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake
Thursday, January
17th, 2008

LA Green Drinks - Studio City
Thursday, January 24th, 2008


LA Green Drinks - West Side
Thursday, February 7th, 2008
10000 Culver Blvd
Culver City

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