Thursday, September 27, 2007

Culver City October 4th! LA Green Drinks 2nd Anniversary!

LA Green Drinkers,

LA Green Drinks turns 2!!!
Come celebrate our 2nd anniversary this month at the Culver City!

I would like to thank Zach Behrens who has helped us so much over this past year with our email list. Thanks, Zach!

Thanks as well to all the LA Green Drinks venue organizers.
We couldn't have grown without your help-

We have a few more people who will be helping with marketing and data entry so we hope to be able to serve the growing LA Green Drinks community even better in the following year.
If you would like to help LA Green Drinks outside of the nightly events please let us know

If you are interested in assisting this Thursday please let us know.

We need several volunteers to help politely sign people in at the door, as well as organizing the green literature.
If you would like to help email and arrive early for instructions or if you can't commit ahead of time simply offer to help when you get there.

This week-
LA Green Drinks - Culver City
Thursday, October 4th, 2007
Duke's Hideaway at the Culver Hotel

9400 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

If anyone wants to bring literature to promote their green issue
please do so-
we will have an area for brochures, business cards, etc.
We will also take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.
The main thing is just to relax and have a good time.

Bookmark this blog for future updates

LA Green Drinks - Culver City is the 1st Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach is the 2nd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake is the 3rd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Studio City is the 4th Thursday of every month.

LA Green Drinks monthly action we can all take to make a difference -

Never underestimate the power of raising your voice for change.
A corporate media will never report on it but citizen action still works!!!

Plug In America has done a wonderful job pushing for environmental change in our automobile industry. Let's help them out this month by following their lead and writing to the California Air Resources Board and telling them that we need plug-in zero emission vehicles.

A sample letter is available below for printing and suggesting others who care to do the same.
California Air Resources Board
Headquarters Building
1001 "I" Street
P.O. Box 2815

Sacramento, CA

Phone: (800) 242-4450 or (916) 322-2990
FAX: (916) 445-5025

Ask the California Air Resource Board (CARB) to do everything possible to get plug-in cars on the road. (CARB is reviewing the Zero Emission Vehicle Mandates this year)
Print CARB Postcard 4-up on 8.5x11 page


Sustainable Works Green Living Workshops
Learn how to live more sustainably through a 6 week evening series of meetings covering:
- Water
- Energy
- Waste
- Chemicals
- Transportation&Travel
- Food&Shopping.

There are still some openings for the Wednesday workshop-

Wednesday Nights, 7:00 - 8:30 pm

First class: October 3rd
: Santa Monica Public Library 601 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica
Suggested Donation for Santa Monica residents $25, all others $50.
Includes training, comprehensive textbook, and sustainable tools
(water saving fixtures, compact fluorescent bulb, organic cotton bag, etc.)
Contact Barent Roth to join a workshop today,
Workshops will cap at 25 so sign up today!
310.458.8716 x1

UCLA Leaders in Sustainability Launch
We are excited to announce the launch of a new interdisciplinary graduate emphasis at UCLA: "Leaders in Sustainability". Spearheaded by the UCLA Anderson School of Management and the UCLA Institute of the Environment, and with broad support from across the university, the emphasis will bring together graduate students with a passion for problem-solving that integrates economic, environmental, and social concerns.

If you are interested in the emphasis, potential employer, supporter, or in any other capacity, please join us on Thursday, October 4, 2007, at the Anderson School, for a special event introducing the new emphasis. You will have the opportunity to meet the current students and the Director, as well as network with other professionals.

When: Thursday, October 4th, 2007 6pm-8pm
Where: Executive Dining Room (B209), UCLA Anderson School of Management
Dress: Business Casual

Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be provided.

Please RSVP by September 28th.
To RSVP please click here or copy and paste the following link:

The emphasis is a joint initiative of faculty and students at UCLA; more information is available at

If you have questions about the program and how you can participate or provide support please contact the Director of the Emphasis:
Professor Charles Corbett

If you have questions regarding the event please contact:
Nurit Katz
or (818) 384-9493 (mobile)

The Environmental Change-Makers 2nd Annual Earth Care Fair – Oct 7
Yes, they are gearing up for our 2nd annual Earth Care Fair. The Environmental Change-Makers offers this free educational event to the local community, in conjunction with Holy Nativity's Blessing of the Animals.

This year, it looks like our displays will include the following:
Wildlands Solutions
Garden Solutions (urban lands solutions)
Home & Building Solutions
Power Solutions
Transportation Solutions
Community Solutions
The Next Generation (solutions with children)
Healthy Solutions
Faith-Based Environmentalism
Food Solutions
Local Solutions (relocalization)
The Big Picture

If you would like to help make this Fair a success, please contact Joanne or Peter. Final organizational meeting is on October 4th. We're very creative about job-splitting to produce this event.

The Earth Care Fair will be Sunday, Oct 7 from 2:30-5pm on the front lawn of
Holy Nativity Church
6700 W. 83rd
Westchester, CA 90045

Wallflower Organic & Eco Festival

The Wallflower Festival is an excellent opportunity to showcase your eco product or service.The Festival will be hosted by Ed Begley, Jr. and is expected to attract a diverse crowd of Malibu community members, local businesses, celebrity guests and attendees from the greater Los Angeles area, all seeking green products and services.

Malibu is one of Southern California's most beautiful places; a coastal paradise and an oasis from the city. As such, Malibu is home to some of Hollywood's most celebrated actors, writers, musicians, producers, and artists, as well as prominent business executives and renowned athletes. These high profile individuals play a huge role in shaping popular culture. They spark trends and influence thinking on fashion, music and even social and environmental issues. If we can impact members of this unique community and educate them on ways to lessen their personal environmental impact, then they in turn will have the ability to reach more people with this message, than most of us would ever have access to.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Malibu Legacy Park

Green Business Networking - Tuesday October 9th
Providing the owners and decision-makers of socially- and environmentally-consciousness businesses a time and place for connecting, sharing, deal-making and networking.

When: Tuesday October 9th, 2007 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Where: The Ambrose Hotel
1255 20th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
Organizer: Green Business Networking
Cost: $10 – This covers the space, delicious organic wine, snacks and non-alcoholic drinks.

You're invited to Green Business Networking, serving our city's green business community by providing the owners and decision-makers of socially- and environmentally-consciousness businesses a time and place for connecting, sharing, deal-making and networking.
We meet at Santa Monica's award-winning sustainable hotel Ambrose Hotel - where upscale tranquility meets affordable luxury.
No need to RSVP - just show up and feel free to bring a friend or two. GBN takes place on the second Tuesday of every month.

Co-Hosts: Jeff Hayes - The Vector Group, Greg Wendt - Enright Premier Wealth Advisors, Inc., Ferris Kawar - Greenopia, Rob Ganger -, Sarah Shewey - Pink Cloud Events

We'll provide delicious organic snacks, wine and non-alcoholic beverages.
If we can’t read your writing on the sign in sheet, we can’t include you. Please help us include you!
Its important that we respect The Ambrose's hotel guests, so we'll start wrapping things up at 9pm.
Please pass this announcement on to other business owners and professionals in the green business community.
For further event information please contact us at

One public parking lot is located on Arizona just east of the Ambrose Hotel. A second public parking lot is located on 20th one block south of the Ambrose Hotel. Please note hours of operation as there may be restrictions.
**Bus info**
Take the #2 Big Blue Bus and get off at 20th
**Bike info**
There's room on the Ambrose property for 4 bikes. Please bring your own lock.

FlexCar Free Sign ups UPDATED PROMO CODE
Flexcar is running a promotion right now that is allowing free signups for our service. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the latest technology in mobility options.
Follow the steps below to take advantage of the free sign up!
1. Go to, click on "Join Now" at the top of any page, and select "Personal" plans.
2. Fill in
FREELAX in the "Promo Code" field (box 2).
3. Have them fill in your email address (the same one you use on your Flexcar account) in the "Enter Referrer's Full Name" field (box 17A).
If you have any questions contact Walter King
Walter King General Manager Los Angeles Region M: 213.272.1032

Step it Up 2007! - November 3rd
A National Day of Climate Action--Novmber 3rd, 2007.

On April 14, 2007, a citizen's movement was launched. On November 3rd we'll see which of our politicians will join us in taking on the greatest challenge of our time. We'll gather at places across the country named after historic leaders to demand that our representatives address thee key priorities to stop global warming. It will be a historic day in every way.

The Los Angeles event, hosted by Ingrid Cheng, will take place at the Federal Building, located at 11000 Wilshire Boulevard on the corner of Wilshire and Veteran.
Please feel free to contact us with questions, concerns or comments:
Email the Step It Up 2007 Team:
877.839.8957 (toll-free!)

Opportunity Green Conference
Saturday, November 17th, 2007

Is Green the new Gold?
Opportunity Green brings together entrepreneurs, executives and investors focused on building profitable, socially conscious and sustainable enterprises. Explore viral marketing, leveraging the power of online networks to facilitate innovation, how to secure funding in the green marketplace... and more....
Objectives of Conference
- Connect and network with entrepreneurs and executives within the sustainable community
- Collaborate in learning how to grow successful & profitable socially conscious enterprises
- Have fun!
What will you learn?
- How do successful socially conscious businesses grow and get initial traction. What viral growth tactics worked?
- Why did some sustainable/socially conscious businesses succeed while others have failed?
- What are the right tools to build and scale your sustainable business?
- What is the future for sustainable/socially conscious business?
We'll highlight insights from unusual suspects — the enthusiasts, visionaries, experts, financiers and the budding leaders of the socially conscious landscape as well as established players who are looking to expand into new and previously unimagined realms.

The Opportunity Green 2007 Advantage:
* Gain exposure and network with leading entrepreneurs and executives
* Collaborate in learning how to grow profitable enterprises focused on the Triple Bottom Line
* Achieve a competitive advantage, by discovering emerging trends that will keep you on the cutting edge
* Be inspired and ignite your imagination

We'll highlight insights from the visionaries, experts, financiers and budding leaders of the sustainable business landscape, as well as established players who are looking to expand into new and previously unimagined realms.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to join 500+ industry professionals in supporting business and leaders who share your commitment to promoting the Triple Bottom Line (people, planet, profits).

Join us at Opportunity Green held at UCLA, as together we explore the future of successful sustainable business.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Karen Solomon at 310-709-6952 or email karen

Yoga Gals Green Yoga

YogaGals is the first and only “green” and eco-friendly mobile & private yoga instruction offered to brides, newlyweds, and any individuals to help them lead a more fit and healthy lifestyle. Our top certified yoga instructors will take the stress out of traveling for you by personally arriving at your doorstep on your scheduled day and leave you feeling happy and blissed out. We are the first and only "green" private yoga instruction for brides and individuals for several reasons: We offset our carbon emissions by purchasing carbon ‘credits’ that go towards greenhouse gas emission reduction projects on animal farms. We print only on recycled paper for stationary, business cards, and materials. We use and purchase only eco-friendly yoga mats and yoga products. And we work with and partner with other sustainable businesses. Our hope is that by promoting a more healthy and "green" lifestyle to brides, it will help them make more conscious decisions for their wedding and hopefully the rest of their lives! Write to and receive a FREE 30-minute health & fitness consultation as well as a 10% discount by mentioning this special announcement in Green Drinks! More info at

"The 11th HOUR" Documentary
Leonardo DiCaprio's "The 11th Hour" is a feature length documentary concerning the environmental crises caused by human actions and their impact on the planet. "The 11th Hour" documents the cumulative impact of these actions upon the planet's life systems and calls for restorative action through a reshaping of human activity. With the help of over fifty of the world's most prominent thinkers and activists, including reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, and Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, "The 11thHour" documents the grave problems facing the planet's life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed, and their causes rooted in human activity. The combination of these crises call into question the very future not of the planet, but of humanity. However, the most powerful element of "The 11th Hour" is not a portrait of a planet in crisis, but the offering of hope and solutions. Scientists and environmental advocates such as Paul Hawken, Bill McKibben and Ray Anderson paint a portrait for a radically new and exciting future in which humanity seeks not to dominate the earth's life systems, but to mimic them and coexist. "The 11th Hour" calls for a future now within our grasp that is both sustainable and healthier.

Sustainable Building Advisor Program

Second Friday 9-5, Second Saturday 9-3; 9 months starting Oct. 12th
Class cost: $1,950
Material Fee: $0.00
Lead Instructor: Blair Seibert
Location: Los Angeles-Bundy Campus
Registration: Thru SMC's website:

Specialized training program for architects, engineers, developers, building owners, contractors and other building professionals interested in learning about strategies and tools for implementing sustainable building. Identify and articulate the key practices of sustainable building. Apply LEED™ and other relevant criteria or established guidelines. Analyze the costs and benefits of incorporating sustainable building measures. Work with architects, designers, builders, building operators, and utilities to improve a building's performance. Take advantage of financial incentives and technical assistance offered by governments, utilities and non-profit organizations. Establish sustainable design goals for project development. Assist in the education and training of staff in your facility or firm in sustainable building.

This class will prepare students for the optional NaSBAP exam which offers SBA Certification. Exam fees are not included in the course fee. See for more information about the exam.

The weekend course runs for nine months (first consecutive Friday and Saturday). For more information email: or call 310-422-2417.

Class Schedule:
Oct. 5 & 6
Nov. 2 & 3
Dec. 7 & 8
Jan. 4 & 5
Feb. 1 & 2
Mar. 7 & 8
Apr. 4 & 5
May 2 & 3
June 6 & 7

Eco Nouveau Eco Fashion Show
LA Fashion Week gets kicked off by a “green” stiletto at ‘EcoNouveau', a fashion, music and art show on-
Friday, October 12th in downtown Los Angeles at Vibiana.
EcoNouveau, a co-production spearheaded by Rob Ganger of Pollinator Media Group, Sarah Shewey of Pink Cloud Events, and Peter Gurnz of BOXeight, will feature the Spring/Summer ’08 collection of the most innovative eco-fashion designers in a non-traditional runway show crafted for international press, buyers and eco-conscious Angeleno's. Deborah Lindquist, Bahar Shahpar, and Amanda Shi of the Avita Co-op will join forces to place the spotlight on innovative uses in fashion design of organic materials and processes.
Music by Dublab, art from Ian Shive, Chris Jordan and Geza X and more to be announced.

Composting Workshops
Check the Calendar of events for a workshop near you-

Permaculture Design Course
LAPermaculture, SustainableLA, The Terra Foundation & EarthFlow Design Works Present:
Creating the Conditions for Sustainability to Happen
The 5th Annual Permaculture Design Course
Los Angeles, CA
October 2007- March 2008
One weekend a month for 6 months...
Join us on the first weekends of October 2007 through March 2008 at a variety of venues in and around Los Angeles.
A Certificate Course for:
Homeowners, Business Owners, Land Managers & Design Professionals
This training includes the most inspiring examples of sustainable land use and human ingenuity from around the world.
* Simple Steps Toward a Sustainable Lifestyle
* Natural Building & Property Development
* Adding Beauty & Value to Your Home
* Strategies for Energy Descent & Peak Oil
* Re-Localizing Food Production
* Green Business Strategies
* Finding your Right-Livelihood Career
Join veteran Permaculture Instructors and Internationally Acclaimed Leaders in the Worldwide Sustainability Movement including...
* L. SANTOYO, Director, EarthFlow Design Works
* SCOTT PITTMAN, Director, The Permaculture Institute
* TOBY HEMENWAY, Author, Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture
* JUDE HOBBS, Director, Cascadia Permaculture
* PLUS local experts and guest speakers...
* $90.00 per day
* $175.00 per weekend
* $950.00 for all six weekends
Materials and other fees may apply. Meals, Lodging & Transportation not included.
MORE about the Design Course Experience

Southern California Clean Vehicle Technology Expo
October 16-17th, 2007 Join over 500 of Southern California's fleet operators, alternative and clean vehicle manufacturers, infrastructure technology providers, funding agencies, and other industry experts as they exchange information on clean vehicle funding, policies and regulations. Hear from the manufacturers directly about their light-, medium- and heavy-duty product offerings for 2007 and beyond.
Exciting raffle prizes will be given away during the Ride & Drive and Round Robin sessions. Don't miss out - Register Today for Early Bird Pricing of $75!
Expo highlights include: Clean Vehicle TRADESHOW, Funding and Partnership WORKSHOPS, NETWORKING Activities, Clean Vehicle RIDE & DRIVE!
Exhibitor and Sponsorships are available. Please email or
call (800) 993-0302 for more information.
For more information about the EXPO, please visit
Ontario Convention Center
2000 Convention Center Way
Ontario, CA 91764

The largest presentation ever of electric, hydrogen, natural gas, biodiesel, ethanol and high MPG cars. Also, mass transit, transportation planning, cycling options and more

Ride and Drive Lot for an experience with all technologies

Continuous seminars and panels discussing and debating alternative fuel technologies, tax credits, transportation solutions and more

Contest for transportation solutions

October 19th and 20th
Barker Hanger
Santa Monica Air Center
free admission


Low Impact Living is a rapidly growing start-up that is now the leading player in the online green home-improvement market. (Website: We are looking for someone to be an energetic member of our team who wants to learn and grow with our company. This staff member will work on a variety of sales and marketing projects (to be explained during the interview process). We are looking for someone with a passion for environmental protection, some basic knowledge of environmental terms/business, outstanding written and spoken communication skills, and 2-3 years experience working in a sales, marketing, and/or business-development capacity. Must have a desire to work hard and maintain a healthy sense of humor. Online business experience a major plus. Please send resume and cover letter to Jessica Jensen via

Low Impact Living is a fast-growing startup that brings green home and lifestyle improvement education and referrals to its customers at its website, The company is looking for a hard-working, positive marketing intern who wants to help grow the business and learn about the strategy and operations of an online startup. This is a part-time paid internship. Please submit resume and cover letter to Jessica Jensen (

WEB DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/PROJECT MANAGER Conscious Enlightenment publishing, parent company of Whole Life Times magazine in LA, is seeking a web development producer/project manager to join our growing media family. Conscious Enlightenment is a family of urban lifestyle websites, magazines, and lifestyle products and services focusing on green living, social change, health and wellness, yoga and spirituality/personal growth. Each month, we provide leading edge alternatives for crafting healthy, active, balanced lives, and for creating a sustainable society. Through our print magazines, original multimedia content (see, and local and national events, CE links the people, ideas and organizations that are building a better tomorrow. Job Description: Manage web development projects with a team of graphic artists and web development programmers. This job includes working with our clients to determine their needs for web development projects and then overseeing the entire process. The job does not require the ability to write code, but a detailed understanding of database structure and technical specifications is required. The ideal candidate will have both extensive project management skills as well as up-to-date hands-on web production skills. Qualifications: • Progressively related experience of at least two years and graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in computer science or a related field; or an equivalent combination of related experience and education. • 5 + years experience in web site development and creation of interactive content. • 2 years in web site management. • Experience designing and managing online advertising campaigns. • Experience managing a content-oriented web site. • Hands-on site development experience. Must have a deep knowledge of web standards, browser compatibility issues, and accessibility issues. • Must have hands on skills with HTML, CSS, Photoshop, FTP, Microsoft Project, and be familiar with Content Management Systems • Excellent communication skills and the ability to multitask in a fast paced working environment • Passion for yoga, health and wellness and holistic living a plus. Email for more information.

LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach
October 11th, 2007

68 Pier Avenue
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake
October 18th, 2007
The Good Luck Bar
1514 Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027

LA Green Drinks - Studio City
Thursday, October 25th, 2007
The Sapphire
11938 Ventura Blvd Studio City, CA 91604 map
Bookmark this website for future updates

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Studio City September 27th!

LA Green Drinkers,

Take advantage of the one of the few weekend Green Living Workshops by Sustainable Works starting this Sunday 9/23 at Global Green's Annex in Santa Monica.
Details below in Announcements-

LA Green Drinks - Studio City
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The Sapphire
11938 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604

Visit a nearby water shed restoration project
Valleyheart Greenway, a project by

The project created landscaping and pathways along the south bank of the river between Laurel Canyon Boulevard and Radford Avenue, but also includes the Great Toad Gate, a Butterfly Garden and other amenities designed by local students from Carpenter Avenue Elementary School.

Take Public Transit!
The Sapphire is located near the intersection of Laurel Canyon Blvd. From the Universal Red Line Station, take the 750 Metro Rapid or the 150/240 to Laurel Canyon Blvd.
See for details.

For dinner, Vegan Plate is located across the street.

If anyone wants to bring literature to promote their green issue
please do so-
we will have an area for brochures, business cards, etc.
We will also take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.
The main thing is just to relax and have a good time.

LA Green Drinks - Culver City is 1st Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach is 2nd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake is 3rd Thursday of every month.

LA Green Drinks - Studio City is 4th Thursday of every month.

LA Green Drinks monthly action we can all take to make a difference -

Paper or Plastic? we should all know by now it's neither.
We have to become a reusable rather than "disposable" society.

Take time this month to get yourself some reusable bags.
Purchase enough for all of your groceries and then keep them either in your car or someplace easy to remember when you head to the store. Most grocery stores now sell reusable bags and will give you a small discount to use them.

If you don't like their bags get some you do like at one of the many online resources:


Sustainable Works Green Living Workshops
Take advantage of one of the few weekend workshops!
Starting this Sunday, September 23rd.
Learn how to live more sustainably through a 6 week evening series of meetings covering:
- Water
- Energy
- Waste
- Chemicals
- Transportation&Travel
- Food&Shopping.

New Workshop
Sunday Afternoons, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
First class: September 23rd

Location: Global Green Annex 144 Pacific St. Santa Monica

New Workshop
Tuesday Nights, 8:00 - 9:30 pm

First class: October 2nd
: Patagonia 2936 Main St. Santa Monica

New Workshop
Wednesday Nights, 7:00 - 8:30 pm

First class: October 3rd
: Santa Monica Public Library 601 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica

Suggested Donation for Santa Monica residents $25, all others $50.
Includes training, comprehensive textbook, and sustainable tools
(water saving fixtures, compact fluorescent bulb, organic cotton bag, etc.)
Contact Barent Roth to join a workshop today,
Workshops will cap at 25 so sign up today!
310.458.8716 x1

UCLA Leaders in Sustainability Launch
We are excited to announce the launch of a new interdisciplinary graduate emphasis at UCLA: "Leaders in Sustainability". Spearheaded by the UCLA Anderson School of Management and the UCLA Institute of the Environment, and with broad support from across the university, the emphasis will bring together graduate students with a passion for problem-solving that integrates economic, environmental, and social concerns.

If you are interested in the emphasis, potential employer, supporter, or in any other capacity, please join us on Thursday, October 4, 2007, at the Anderson School, for a special event introducing the new emphasis. You will have the opportunity to meet the current students and the Director, as well as network with other professionals.

When: Thursday, October 4th, 2007 6pm-8pm
Where: Executive Dining Room (B209), UCLA Anderson School of Management
Dress: Business Casual

Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be provided.

Please RSVP by September 28th.
To RSVP please click here or copy and paste the following link:

The emphasis is a joint initiative of faculty and students at UCLA; more information is available at

If you have questions about the program and how you can participate or provide support please contact the Director of the Emphasis:
Professor Charles Corbett

If you have questions regarding the event please contact:
Nurit Katz
or (818) 384-9493 (mobile)

TreePeople Outreach Volunteer Training
TreePeople Headquarters
Coldwater Canyon Park
12601 Mulholland Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Sunday, Sept. 23, 2007
10 a.m. to noon

TreePeople needs your help! We’re seeking Outreach volunteers to attend community events and presentations, introduce people to the important work of TreePeople and let them know how they can get involved. Our September 23 training will focus on TreePeople’s programs, talking points and presentation skills, and is appropriate for both new and experienced volunteers.

After attending this training workshop and two events with a staff person or seasoned volunteer, all Outreach volunteers receive a free TreePeople t-shirt and official nametag to wear to events. We are looking for volunteers who would be able to attend at least six events or presentations per year, approximately one every other month. We have outreach opportunities available on weekdays and weekends, during mornings, afternoons, or evenings, depending on the needs of the particular event or presentation. To sign up for this outreach volunteer training, please contact TreePeople’s Outreach Manager, Lacey Von Deak: (818) 623-4866 or

Eco Investment Club - Green Meet
Lecture & Networking "GreenMeet"
Wednesday, September 26th, 2007
Steve Glenn’s LEED Platinum LivingHome
2914 Highland Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90405
5 pm - 7 pm

The Eco Investment club is designed to foster Education, Networking, and Investment
Opportunities that support today’s Green Industry. We promote Eco-Friendly Real Estate
Opportunities, Exceptional Green Start-Ups, and Sustainable Investment Strategies.
If you’re interested in investing in Green projects and companies, or learning more about how to
capitalize in this growing “Green Market”, then this is the club for you!
All levels of experience are welcome.

September’s Lecture Focus: The Value of Sustainable Architecture
Agenda and Keynote Speakers
Robert Noble
AIA, LEED AP, Sustainable Design Architect and Entrepreneur
Founder/CEO: Envision Solar, Noble Group and Noble Environmental Technologies,
Chairman - Board of Directors- The Eco Investment Network
Steve Glenn
Owner of the first "LEED PLATINUM" Certified Home,
LEED's highest level of certification! Founder and CEO of LivingHomes, LLC
Followed by: Investment Opportunity Presentations

(If you are interested in sharing your eco-investment opportunity, please email us. and provide your contact information so that we may consider your presentation to the Club.)

Closing Remarks - Club Founder, Yeves Perez


Seats are going fast! Seating is limited to 30 Guests, and you must Register in Advance.
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn more about: The Value of Sustainable Architecture !
Visitors - Pre-Registration is $25. No Tickets Available at the Door.
Members - Pre-Registration is $10. No Tickets Available at the Door.

Go to for registration and payment instructions or call Yevez Perez - (619) 659-9707.

Opportunities Available

Call Yeves Perez at (619) 659-9707 In San Diego
Call Bob Bryant at (714) 783-7266 In Orange County

*The Eco Investment Club also pledges to donate 10% of net profits to the following charities and non-profit organizations:

SBC's Fall Fashion Event
Please join the Sustainable Business Council of Los Angeles for a re-invention of the business of fashion on Thursday, September 27th, at Livingreen in Culver City. Our panelists will explore the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly emerging trend of sustainability in the apparel industry.

Our panel will include Patagonia's Design Director, Wanda Weller, environmentally conscious designer Deborah Lindquist, Howard Brown, Co-Founder & CEO of Stewart + Brown and Eric Joule, S.V.P of Merchandising and Design at Quiksilver, and will be moderated by Barbara Kramer, founder of Designers & Agents. We hope you'll join us at Livingreen in Culver City for an night of fashion and fun, networking and discussion.

10000 Culver Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
WHEN: Thursday, September 27th, 2007, 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
COST: $20.

The Abbot Kinney District Association (AKDA) announces the 23rd Annual Abbot Kinney Street Festival will take place on September 30, 2007 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.. The family-friendly festival, held between Main Street and Venice Boulevard on Abbot Kinney Boulevard, will feature over 300 arts and crafts vendors, a Youth and Family Court, three musical stages, a “Green Living Tent”, three food courts and a beer garden. A free shuttle will be available from Playa Vista and Marina del Rey, courtesy of LA County and Playa Vista. Admission is free. Rides and games range in price from $1.00-$5.00. Group discounts are available.

This year, the festival will be a green event and will include a Green Living Tent, featuring speakers, seminars on environmental issues and vendors that sell eco-friendly goods. Speakers will include City Councilman Bill Rosendahl, and experts on green building, carbon offsets, solar power and more. The AKDA is also requiring food vendors to use corn-plastic plates and utensils that are easily composted. “That’s at least 100,000 fewer plastic forks and foam plates in our landfills,” says AKDA member Nick Karno, who expects up to 120,000 people to attend. The festival organizers will also use solar power when possible. Any other carbon emissions will be offset.

For details or a vendor application:

FlexCar Free Sign ups UPDATED PROMO CODE
Flexcar is running a promotion right now that is allowing free signups for our service. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the latest technology in mobility options.
Follow the steps below to take advantage of the free sign up!
1. Go to, click on "Join Now" at the top of any page, and select "Personal" plans.
2. Fill in
FREELAX in the "Promo Code" field (box 2).
3. Have them fill in your email address (the same one you use on your Flexcar account) in the "Enter Referrer's Full Name" field (box 17A).
If you have any questions contact Walter King
Walter King General Manager Los Angeles Region M: 213.272.1032

Opportunity Green Conference
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Special LA Green Drinks offer-
The first 10 green LA Green Drink readers to register get a special $129.00 rate — over $170 off the regular $299 full price tix.
Just use the code GreenDrinksTEN.

Is Green the new Gold?
Opportunity Green brings together entrepreneurs, executives and investors focused on building profitable, socially conscious and sustainable enterprises. Explore viral marketing, leveraging the power of online networks to facilitate innovation, how to secure funding in the green marketplace... and more....
Objectives of Conference
- Connect and network with entrepreneurs and executives within the sustainable community
- Collaborate in learning how to grow successful & profitable socially conscious enterprises
- Have fun!
What will you learn?
- How do successful socially conscious businesses grow and get initial traction. What viral growth tactics worked?
- Why did some sustainable/socially conscious businesses succeed while others have failed?
- What are the right tools to build and scale your sustainable business?
- What is the future for sustainable/socially conscious business?
We'll highlight insights from unusual suspects — the enthusiasts, visionaries, experts, financiers and the budding leaders of the socially conscious landscape as well as established players who are looking to expand into new and previously unimagined realms.

The Opportunity Green 2007 Advantage:
* Gain exposure and network with leading entrepreneurs and executives
* Collaborate in learning how to grow profitable enterprises focused on the Triple Bottom Line
* Achieve a competitive advantage, by discovering emerging trends that will keep you on the cutting edge
* Be inspired and ignite your imagination

We'll highlight insights from the visionaries, experts, financiers and budding leaders of the sustainable business landscape, as well as established players who are looking to expand into new and previously unimagined realms.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to join 500+ industry professionals in supporting business and leaders who share your commitment to promoting the Triple Bottom Line (people, planet, profits).

Join us at Opportunity Green held at UCLA, as together we explore the future of successful sustainable business.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Karen Solomon at 310-709-6952 or email karen

Yoga Gals Green Yoga
YogaGals is the first and only “green” and eco-friendly mobile & private yoga instruction offered to brides, newlyweds, and any individuals to help them lead a more fit and healthy lifestyle. Our top certified yoga instructors will take the stress out of traveling for you by personally arriving at your doorstep on your scheduled day and leave you feeling happy and blissed out. We are the first and only "green" private yoga instruction for brides and individuals for several reasons: We offset our carbon emissions by purchasing carbon ‘credits’ that go towards greenhouse gas emission reduction projects on animal farms. We print only on recycled paper for stationary, business cards, and materials. We use and purchase only eco-friendly yoga mats and yoga products. And we work with and partner with other sustainable businesses. Our hope is that by promoting a more healthy and "green" lifestyle to brides, it will help them make more conscious decisions for their wedding and hopefully the rest of their lives! Write to and receive a FREE 30-minute health & fitness consultation as well as a 10% discount by mentioning this special announcement in Green Drinks! More info at

"The 11th HOUR" Documentary
Leonardo DiCaprio's "The 11th Hour" is a feature length documentary concerning the environmental crises caused by human actions and their impact on the planet. "The 11th Hour" documents the cumulative impact of these actions upon the planet's life systems and calls for restorative action through a reshaping of human activity. With the help of over fifty of the world's most prominent thinkers and activists, including reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, and Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, "The 11thHour" documents the grave problems facing the planet's life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed, and their causes rooted in human activity. The combination of these crises call into question the very future not of the planet, but of humanity. However, the most powerful element of "The 11th Hour" is not a portrait of a planet in crisis, but the offering of hope and solutions. Scientists and environmental advocates such as Paul Hawken, Bill McKibben and Ray Anderson paint a portrait for a radically new and exciting future in which humanity seeks not to dominate the earth's life systems, but to mimic them and coexist. "The 11th Hour" calls for a future now within our grasp that is both sustainable and healthier.

Park(ing) Day L.A.
September 21st, 2007
Celebrate Parks and Urban Open Space!
Lease a park for a day by feeding a parking meter!
Coming soon to a metered parking space near you: a park for a day!

Friday September 21st 2007 is International Park(ing) Day, following a successful project initiated by San Francisco's REBAR Group in November of 2005, in which a metered parking space was turned into a temporary public park. The park lasted two hours, but the creative spark brought together diverse activists from artists to environmentalists to concerned residents, and now Park(ing) Day has now taken root and spread worldwide. September 21st, 2007 marks the first official Park(ing) Day in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles has fewer parks and vibrant public spaces than other large cities. L.A.’s
public paces have increasingly become dedicated to and degraded by large volumes of vehicular traffic. Park(ing) Day raises awareness about the need for community-oriented and recreational spaces such as parks, while promoting dialogue around creative alternatives to current uses of urban public space. Park(ing) Day L.A. is a call to action for all who seek to improve quality of life in our urban centers and are concerned about the disparities between public space allocated for parking cars and space made available for parks and other community infrastructure such as playgrounds and gardens.

On September 21st 2007, at various locations throughout greater Los Angeles, teams will assemble, insert a few quarters into their parking meter, and create temporary public parks for Angelinos to enjoy. Artists, community activists, non-profits, design professionals, urban bicyclists and others are already planning parking space parks. Some parks will be as simple as a layer of sod or artificial turf, a bench or two, and a few potted trees and shrubs. Other parks are being elaborately designed by professional architects and landscape architects. Some mini-design competitions have even emerged between various architecture and landscape architecture firms working with community groups to design temporary parks. The fun isn’t simply in building the parks but in transporting the materials too. Many parks will be deployed solely by bicycle-power, including towing large potted trees down L.A. streets via large bike trailers.
Public Contact: 213.622.5980

Sustainable Building Advisor Program
Second Friday 9-5, Second Saturday 9-3; 9 months starting Oct. 12
Class cost: $1,950
Material Fee: $0.00
Lead Instructor: Blair Seibert
Location: Los Angeles-Bundy Campus
Registration: Thru SMC's website:

Specialized training program for architects, engineers, developers, building owners, contractors and other building professionals interested in learning about strategies and tools for implementing sustainable building. Identify and articulate the key practices of sustainable building. Apply LEED™ and other relevant criteria or established guidelines. Analyze the costs and benefits of incorporating sustainable building measures. Work with architects, designers, builders, building operators, and utilities to improve a building's performance. Take advantage of financial incentives and technical assistance offered by governments, utilities and non-profit organizations. Establish sustainable design goals for project development. Assist in the education and training of staff in your facility or firm in sustainable building.

This class will prepare students for the optional NaSBAP exam which offers SBA Certification. Exam fees are not included in the course fee. See for more information about the exam.

The weekend course runs for nine months (first consecutive Friday and Saturday). For more information email: or call 310-422-2417.

Class Schedule:
Oct. 5 & 6
Nov. 2 & 3
Dec. 7 & 8
Jan. 4 & 5
Feb. 1 & 2
Mar. 7 & 8
Apr. 4 & 5
May 2 & 3
June 6 & 7

Eco Nouveau Eco Fashion Show
LA Fashion Week gets kicked off by a “green” stiletto at ‘EcoNouveau', a fashion, music and art show on-
Friday, October 12 in downtown Los Angeles at Vibiana.
EcoNouveau, a co-production spearheaded by Rob Ganger of Pollinator Media Group, Sarah Shewey of Pink Cloud Events, and Peter Gurnz of BOXeight, will feature the Spring/Summer ’08 collection of the most innovative eco-fashion designers in a non-traditional runway show crafted for international press, buyers and eco-conscious Angeleno's. Deborah Lindquist, Bahar Shahpar, and Amanda Shi of the Avita Co-op will join forces to place the spotlight on innovative uses in fashion design of organic materials and processes.
Music by Dublab, art from Ian Shive, Chris Jordan and Geza X and more to be announced.

Composting Workshops
Check the Calendar of events for a workshop near you-

Permaculture Design Course
LAPermaculture, SustainableLA, The Terra Foundation & EarthFlow Design Works Present:
Creating the Conditions for Sustainability to Happen
The 5th Annual Permaculture Design Course
Los Angeles, CA
October 2007- March 2008
One weekend a month for 6 months...
Join us on the first weekends of October 2007 through March 2008 at a variety of venues in and around Los Angeles.
A Certificate Course for:
Homeowners, Business Owners, Land Managers & Design Professionals
This training includes the most inspiring examples of sustainable land use and human ingenuity from around the world.
* Simple Steps Toward a Sustainable Lifestyle
* Natural Building & Property Development
* Adding Beauty & Value to Your Home
* Strategies for Energy Descent & Peak Oil
* Re-Localizing Food Production
* Green Business Strategies
* Finding your Right-Livelihood Career
Join veteran Permaculture Instructors and Internationally Acclaimed Leaders in the Worldwide Sustainability Movement including...
* L. SANTOYO, Director, EarthFlow Design Works
* SCOTT PITTMAN, Director, The Permaculture Institute
* TOBY HEMENWAY, Author, Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture
* JUDE HOBBS, Director, Cascadia Permaculture
* PLUS local experts and guest speakers...
* $90.00 per day
* $175.00 per weekend
* $950.00 for all six weekends
Materials and other fees may apply. Meals, Lodging & Transportation not included.
MORE about the Design Course Experience

Southern California Clean Vehicle Technology Expo
October 16-17th, 2007 Join over 500 of Southern California's fleet operators, alternative and clean vehicle manufacturers, infrastructure technology providers, funding agencies, and other industry experts as they exchange information on clean vehicle funding, policies and regulations. Hear from the manufacturers directly about their light-, medium- and heavy-duty product offerings for 2007 and beyond.
Exciting raffle prizes will be given away during the Ride & Drive and Round Robin sessions. Don't miss out - Register Today for Early Bird Pricing of $75!
Expo highlights include: Clean Vehicle TRADESHOW, Funding and Partnership WORKSHOPS, NETWORKING Activities, Clean Vehicle RIDE & DRIVE!
Exhibitor and Sponsorships are available. Please email or
call (800) 993-0302 for more information.
For more information about the EXPO, please visit
Ontario Convention Center
2000 Convention Center Way
Ontario, CA 91764

The largest presentation ever of electric, hydrogen, natural gas, biodiesel, ethanol and high MPG cars. Also, mass transit, transportation planning, cycling options and more

Ride and Drive Lot for an experience with all technologies

Continuous seminars adn panels discussing and debating alternative fuel technologies, tax credits, transportation solutions and more

Contest for transportation solutions

October 19th and 20th
Barker Hanger
Santa Monica Air Center
free admission


Low Impact Living is a rapidly growing start-up that is now the leading player in the online green home-improvement market. (Website: We are looking for someone to be an energetic member of our team who wants to learn and grow with our company. This staff member will work on a variety of sales and marketing projects (to be explained during the interview process). We are looking for someone with a passion for environmental protection, some basic knowledge of environmental terms/business, outstanding written and spoken communication skills, and 2-3 years experience working in a sales, marketing, and/or business-development capacity. Must have a desire to work hard and maintain a healthy sense of humor. Online business experience a major plus. Please send resume and cover letter to Jessica Jensen via

Low Impact Living is a fast-growing startup that brings green home and lifestyle improvement education and referrals to its customers at its website, The company is looking for a hard-working, positive marketing intern who wants to help grow the business and learn about the strategy and operations of an online startup. This is a part-time paid internship. Please submit resume and cover letter to Jessica Jensen (

WEB DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/PROJECT MANAGER Conscious Enlightenment publishing, parent company of Whole Life Times magazine in LA, is seeking a web development producer/project manager to join our growing media family. Conscious Enlightenment is a family of urban lifestyle websites, magazines, and lifestyle products and services focusing on green living, social change, health and wellness, yoga and spirituality/personal growth. Each month, we provide leading edge alternatives for crafting healthy, active, balanced lives, and for creating a sustainable society. Through our print magazines, original multimedia content (see, and local and national events, CE links the people, ideas and organizations that are building a better tomorrow. Job Description: Manage web development projects with a team of graphic artists and web development programmers. This job includes working with our clients to determine their needs for web development projects and then overseeing the entire process. The job does not require the ability to write code, but a detailed understanding of database structure and technical specifications is required. The ideal candidate will have both extensive project management skills as well as up-to-date hands-on web production skills. Qualifications: • Progressively related experience of at least two years and graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in computer science or a related field; or an equivalent combination of related experience and education. • 5 + years experience in web site development and creation of interactive content. • 2 years in web site management. • Experience designing and managing online advertising campaigns. • Experience managing a content-oriented web site. • Hands-on site development experience. Must have a deep knowledge of web standards, browser compatibility issues, and accessibility issues. • Must have hands on skills with HTML, CSS, Photoshop, FTP, Microsoft Project, and be familiar with Content Management Systems • Excellent communication skills and the ability to multitask in a fast paced working environment • Passion for yoga, health and wellness and holistic living a plus. Email for more information.

LA Green Drinks - Culver City
Thursday, October 4th, 2007
Duke's Hideaway at the Culver Hotel
9400 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach
Thursday, October 11th, 2007

68 Pier Avenue
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake
Thursday, October 18th, 2007
The Good Luck Bar
1514 Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Bookmark this website for future updates

Monday, September 17, 2007

Silver Lake September 20th!

LA Green Drinkers,

Global Green has an Open House Event this Tuesday and is hosting the next series of Sustainable Works Green Living Workshops at their Annex. Details in Announcements section below-

Look for Elizabeth and Nancy at this week's LA Green Drinks in Silver Lake!

LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake
Thursday, September 20th, 2007


The Good Luck Bar
1514 Hillhurst Ave
Los Angeles, CA
(323) 666-3524

If anyone wants to bring literature to promote their green issue
please do so-
we will have an area for brochures, business cards, etc.
We will also take back any extra literature back and bring them to the next Green Drinks.
The main thing is just to relax and have a good time.

LA Green Drinks - Culver City is 1st Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach is 2nd Thursday of every month.
LA Green Drinks - Silver Lake is 3rd Thursday of every month.

LA Green Drinks - Studio City is 4th Thursday of every month.


LA Green Drinks monthly action we can all take to make a difference-

Paper or Plastic? we should all know by now it's neither.
We have to become a reusable rather than "disposable" society.

Take time this month to get yourself some reusable bags.
Purchase enough for all of your groceries and then keep them either in your car or someplace easy to remember when you head to the store. Most grocery stores now sell reusable bags and will give you a small discount to use them.

If you don't like their bags get some you do like at one of the many online resources:


Global Green USA’s Green Building Resource Center Open House Event
In conjunction with the City of Santa Monica’s Sustainability week, come to Global Green USA’s Green Building Resource Center Open House Event!

Celebrate Global Green USA’s newly published book, “A Blueprint for Greening Affordable Housing”, Global Green USA’s Green Building Resource Center’s 3-Year Anniversary, additional operating hours, new consultation service and professional development series!
- Free energy efficient light bulbs and coffee mugs
- Raffle prizes for eco-friendly products
- Presentations of successful local green projects
- Food and drinks from Main Street
- Special Opportunity for Global Green USA Membership
- Release Party for Global Green USA’s new book “Blue Print for Affordable Housing”

Tuesday September 18, 2007
Operating Hours: 10AM-3PM

Open House Reception: 5PM-7PM

Global Green USA’s Green Building Resource Center
2218 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90405

This event is free of charge. For more information, please contact Global Green USA’s Green Building Resource Center 310-452-7677 or

Sustainable Works Green Living Workshops
Learn how to live more sustainably through a 6 week evening series of meetings covering:
- Water
- Energy
- Waste
- Chemicals
- Transportation&Travel
- Food&Shopping.

New Workshop
Sunday Afternoons, 1:00 - 2:30 pm
First class: September 23rd

Location: Global Green Annex 144 Pacific St. Santa Monica

New Workshop
Tuesday Nights, 8:00 - 9:30 pm

First class: October 2nd
: Patagonia 2936 Main St. Santa Monica

New Workshop
Wednesday Nights, 7:00 - 8:30 pm

First class: October 3rd
: Santa Monica Public Library 601 Santa Monica Blvd. Santa Monica

Suggested Donation for Santa Monica residents $25, all others $50.
Includes training, comprehensive textbook, and sustainable tools
(water saving fixtures, compact fluorescent bulb, organic cotton bag, etc.)
Contact Barent Roth to join a workshop today,
Workshops will cap at 25 so sign up today!
310.458.8716 x1

FlexCar Free Sign ups UPDATED PROMO CODE
Flexcar is running a promotion right now that is allowing free signups for our service. This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the latest technology in mobility options.
Follow the steps below to take advantage of the free sign up!
1. Go to, click on "Join Now" at the top of any page, and select "Personal" plans.
2. Fill in
FREELAX in the "Promo Code" field (box 2).
3. Have them fill in your email address (the same one you use on your Flexcar account) in the "Enter Referrer's Full Name" field (box 17A).
If you have any questions contact Walter King
Walter King General Manager Los Angeles Region M: 213.272.1032

Opportunity Green Conference
Saturday, November 17, 2007

Special LA Green Drinks offer-
The first 10 green LA Green Drink readers to register get a special $129.00 rate — over $170 off the regular $299 full price tix.
Just use the code GreenDrinksTEN.

Is Green the new Gold?
Opportunity Green brings together entrepreneurs, executives and investors focused on building profitable, socially conscious and sustainable enterprises. Explore viral marketing, leveraging the power of online networks to facilitate innovation, how to secure funding in the green marketplace... and more....
Objectives of Conference
- Connect and network with entrepreneurs and executives within the sustainable community
- Collaborate in learning how to grow successful & profitable socially conscious enterprises
- Have fun!
What will you learn?
- How do successful socially conscious businesses grow and get initial traction. What viral growth tactics worked?
- Why did some sustainable/socially conscious businesses succeed while others have failed?
- What are the right tools to build and scale your sustainable business?
- What is the future for sustainable/socially conscious business?
We'll highlight insights from unusual suspects — the enthusiasts, visionaries, experts, financiers and the budding leaders of the socially conscious landscape as well as established players who are looking to expand into new and previously unimagined realms.

The Opportunity Green 2007 Advantage:
* Gain exposure and network with leading entrepreneurs and executives
* Collaborate in learning how to grow profitable enterprises focused on the Triple Bottom Line
* Achieve a competitive advantage, by discovering emerging trends that will keep you on the cutting edge
* Be inspired and ignite your imagination

We'll highlight insights from the visionaries, experts, financiers and budding leaders of the sustainable business landscape, as well as established players who are looking to expand into new and previously unimagined realms.

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to join 500+ industry professionals in supporting business and leaders who share your commitment to promoting the Triple Bottom Line (people, planet, profits).

Join us at Opportunity Green held at UCLA, as together we explore the future of successful sustainable business.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Karen Solomon at 310-709-6952 or email karen

Yoga Gals Green Yoga
YogaGals is the first and only “green” and eco-friendly mobile & private yoga instruction offered to brides, newlyweds, and any individuals to help them lead a more fit and healthy lifestyle. Our top certified yoga instructors will take the stress out of traveling for you by personally arriving at your doorstep on your scheduled day and leave you feeling happy and blissed out. We are the first and only "green" private yoga instruction for brides and individuals for several reasons: We offset our carbon emissions by purchasing carbon ‘credits’ that go towards greenhouse gas emission reduction projects on animal farms. We print only on recycled paper for stationary, business cards, and materials. We use and purchase only eco-friendly yoga mats and yoga products. And we work with and partner with other sustainable businesses. Our hope is that by promoting a more healthy and "green" lifestyle to brides, it will help them make more conscious decisions for their wedding and hopefully the rest of their lives! Write to and receive a FREE 30-minute health & fitness consultation as well as a 10% discount by mentioning this special announcement in Green Drinks! More info at

"The 11th HOUR" Documentary
Leonardo DiCaprio's "The 11th Hour" is a feature length documentary concerning the environmental crises caused by human actions and their impact on the planet. "The 11th Hour" documents the cumulative impact of these actions upon the planet's life systems and calls for restorative action through a reshaping of human activity. With the help of over fifty of the world's most prominent thinkers and activists, including reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, physicist Stephen Hawking, and Nobel Prize winner Wangari Maathai, "The 11thHour" documents the grave problems facing the planet's life systems. Global warming, deforestation, mass species extinction, and depletion of the oceans' habitats are all addressed, and their causes rooted in human activity. The combination of these crises call into question the very future not of the planet, but of humanity. However, the most powerful element of "The 11th Hour" is not a portrait of a planet in crisis, but the offering of hope and solutions. Scientists and environmental advocates such as Paul Hawken, Bill McKibben and Ray Anderson paint a portrait for a radically new and exciting future in which humanity seeks not to dominate the earth's life systems, but to mimic them and coexist. "The 11th Hour" calls for a future now within our grasp that is both sustainable and healthier.
Click here to see where "The 11th Hour" is released in LA August, 17th.

Park(ing) Day L.A.
September 21st, 2007
Celebrate Parks and Urban Open Space!
Lease a park for a day by feeding a parking meter!
Coming soon to a metered parking space near you: a park for a day!

Friday September 21st 2007 is International Park(ing) Day, following a successful project initiated by San Francisco's REBAR Group in November of 2005, in which a metered parking space was turned into a temporary public park. The park lasted two hours, but the creative spark brought together diverse activists from artists to environmentalists to concerned residents, and now Park(ing) Day has now taken root and spread worldwide. September 21st, 2007 marks the first official Park(ing) Day in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles has fewer parks and vibrant public spaces than other large cities. L.A.’s
public paces have increasingly become dedicated to and degraded by large volumes of vehicular traffic. Park(ing) Day raises awareness about the need for community-oriented and recreational spaces such as parks, while promoting dialogue around creative alternatives to current uses of urban public space. Park(ing) Day L.A. is a call to action for all who seek to improve quality of life in our urban centers and are concerned about the disparities between public space allocated for parking cars and space made available for parks and other community infrastructure such as playgrounds and gardens.

On September 21st 2007, at various locations throughout greater Los Angeles, teams will assemble, insert a few quarters into their parking meter, and create temporary public parks for Angelinos to enjoy. Artists, community activists, non-profits, design professionals, urban bicyclists and others are already planning parking space parks. Some parks will be as simple as a layer of sod or artificial turf, a bench or two, and a few potted trees and shrubs. Other parks are being elaborately designed by professional architects and landscape architects. Some mini-design competitions have even emerged between various architecture and landscape architecture firms working with community groups to design temporary parks. The fun isn’t simply in building the parks but in transporting the materials too. Many parks will be deployed solely by bicycle-power, including towing large potted trees down L.A. streets via large bike trailers.
Public Contact: 213.622.5980

Sustainable Building Advisor Program
Second Friday 9-5, Second Saturday 9-3; 9 months starting Oct. 12
Class cost: $1,750 until Aug. 31st, $1,950 Sept. 1
Material Fee: $0.00
Lead Instructor: Blair Seibert
Location: Los Angeles-Bundy Campus
Registration: Thru SMC's website:

Specialized training program for architects, engineers, developers, building owners, contractors and other building professionals interested in learning about strategies and tools for implementing sustainable building. Identify and articulate the key practices of sustainable building. Apply LEED™ and other relevant criteria or established guidelines. Analyze the costs and benefits of incorporating sustainable building measures. Work with architects, designers, builders, building operators, and utilities to improve a building's performance. Take advantage of financial incentives and technical assistance offered by governments, utilities and non-profit organizations. Establish sustainable design goals for project development. Assist in the education and training of staff in your facility or firm in sustainable building.

This class will prepare students for the optional NaSBAP exam which offers SBA Certification. Exam fees are not included in the course fee. See for more information about the exam.

The weekend course runs for nine months (first consecutive Friday and Saturday). For more information email: or call 310-422-2417.

Class Schedule:
Oct. 5 & 6
Nov. 2 & 3
Dec. 7 & 8
Jan. 4 & 5
Feb. 1 & 2
Mar. 7 & 8
Apr. 4 & 5
May 2 & 3
June 6 & 7

Eco Nouveau Eco Fashion Show
LA Fashion Week gets kicked off by a “green” stiletto at ‘EcoNouveau', a fashion, music and art show on-
Friday, October 12 in downtown Los Angeles at Vibiana.
EcoNouveau, a co-production spearheaded by Rob Ganger of Pollinator Media Group, Sarah Shewey of Pink Cloud Events, and Peter Gurnz of BOXeight, will feature the Spring/Summer ’08 collection of the most innovative eco-fashion designers in a non-traditional runway show crafted for international press, buyers and eco-conscious Angeleno's. Deborah Lindquist, Bahar Shahpar, and Amanda Shi of the Avita Co-op will join forces to place the spotlight on innovative uses in fashion design of organic materials and processes.
Music by Dublab, art from Ian Shive, Chris Jordan and Geza X and more to be announced.

Composting Workshops
Check the Calendar of events for a workshop near you-

Permaculture Design Certificate Course in the South of France
With Larry Santoyo & Friends
Learn...EcoVillage Design, Natural Building, Sustainable Living & More!
Classes will be taught in English...
September 17th - 30th 2007
2 Weeks of Learning, Food, Accommodations and Local Sightseeing
-All For £350.00 (around $700.00 US)...
Tuition, Meals, Dormitory Accommodations and Transport from local train stations all included..!
(air travel not included)
For More Information:
Join an international group of Artists, Musicians, Designers & EcoBuilders for an unforgettable Permaculture Design Course Experience near Saint Laurent Sous Coiron, in the Ardeche region in the South of France. 1 1/2 hours driving from Lyon and Nimes airports. Enjoy EcoVillage style...Regional Foods, Wine Tasting, Local Crafts Boutique, Spa Treatments, Internet Cafe, Day Excursions; Hiking, River Trips and More!!!
See more info about the Permaculture Design Course Experience at:

Permaculture Design Course
LAPermaculture, SustainableLA, The Terra Foundation & EarthFlow Design Works Present:
Creating the Conditions for Sustainability to Happen
The 5th Annual Permaculture Design Course
Los Angeles, CA
October 2007- March 2008
One weekend a month for 6 months...
Join us on the first weekends of October 2007 through March 2008 at a variety of venues in and around Los Angeles.
A Certificate Course for:
Homeowners, Business Owners, Land Managers & Design Professionals
This training includes the most inspiring examples of sustainable land use and human ingenuity from around the world.
* Simple Steps Toward a Sustainable Lifestyle
* Natural Building & Property Development
* Adding Beauty & Value to Your Home
* Strategies for Energy Descent & Peak Oil
* Re-Localizing Food Production
* Green Business Strategies
* Finding your Right-Livelihood Career
Join veteran Permaculture Instructors and Internationally Acclaimed Leaders in the Worldwide Sustainability Movement including...
* L. SANTOYO, Director, EarthFlow Design Works
* SCOTT PITTMAN, Director, The Permaculture Institute
* TOBY HEMENWAY, Author, Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture
* JUDE HOBBS, Director, Cascadia Permaculture
* PLUS local experts and guest speakers...
* $90.00 per day
* $175.00 per weekend
* $950.00 for all six weekends
Materials and other fees may apply. Meals, Lodging & Transportation not included.
MORE about the Design Course Experience

Southern California Clean Vehicle Technology Expo
October 16-17th, 2007 Join over 500 of Southern California's fleet operators, alternative and clean vehicle manufacturers, infrastructure technology providers, funding agencies, and other industry experts as they exchange information on clean vehicle funding, policies and regulations. Hear from the manufacturers directly about their light-, medium- and heavy-duty product offerings for 2007 and beyond.
Exciting raffle prizes will be given away during the Ride & Drive and Round Robin sessions. Don't miss out - Register Today for Early Bird Pricing of $75!
Expo highlights include: Clean Vehicle TRADESHOW, Funding and Partnership WORKSHOPS, NETWORKING Activities, Clean Vehicle RIDE & DRIVE!
Exhibitor and Sponsorships are available. Please email or
call (800) 993-0302 for more information.
For more information about the EXPO, please visit
Ontario Convention Center
2000 Convention Center Way
Ontario, CA 91764

The largest presentation ever of electric, hydrogen, natural gas, biodiesel, ethanol and high MPG cars. Also, mass transit, transportation planning, cycling options and more

Ride and Drive Lot for an experience with all technologies

Continuous seminars adn panels discussing and debating alternative fuel technologies, tax credits, transportation solutions and more

Contest for transportation solutions

October 19th and 20th
Barker Hanger
Santa Monica Air Center
free admission


Low Impact Living is a rapidly growing start-up that is now the leading player in the online green home-improvement market. (Website: We are looking for someone to be an energetic member of our team who wants to learn and grow with our company. This staff member will work on a variety of sales and marketing projects (to be explained during the interview process). We are looking for someone with a passion for environmental protection, some basic knowledge of environmental terms/business, outstanding written and spoken communication skills, and 2-3 years experience working in a sales, marketing, and/or business-development capacity. Must have a desire to work hard and maintain a healthy sense of humor. Online business experience a major plus. Please send resume and cover letter to Jessica Jensen via

Low Impact Living is a fast-growing startup that brings green home and lifestyle improvement education and referrals to its customers at its website, The company is looking for a hard-working, positive marketing intern who wants to help grow the business and learn about the strategy and operations of an online startup. This is a part-time paid internship. Please submit resume and cover letter to Jessica Jensen (

WEB DEVELOPMENT PRODUCER/PROJECT MANAGER Conscious Enlightenment publishing, parent company of Whole Life Times magazine in LA, is seeking a web development producer/project manager to join our growing media family. Conscious Enlightenment is a family of urban lifestyle websites, magazines, and lifestyle products and services focusing on green living, social change, health and wellness, yoga and spirituality/personal growth. Each month, we provide leading edge alternatives for crafting healthy, active, balanced lives, and for creating a sustainable society. Through our print magazines, original multimedia content (see, and local and national events, CE links the people, ideas and organizations that are building a better tomorrow. Job Description: Manage web development projects with a team of graphic artists and web development programmers. This job includes working with our clients to determine their needs for web development projects and then overseeing the entire process. The job does not require the ability to write code, but a detailed understanding of database structure and technical specifications is required. The ideal candidate will have both extensive project management skills as well as up-to-date hands-on web production skills. Qualifications: • Progressively related experience of at least two years and graduation from a four-year college or university with a degree in computer science or a related field; or an equivalent combination of related experience and education. • 5 + years experience in web site development and creation of interactive content. • 2 years in web site management. • Experience designing and managing online advertising campaigns. • Experience managing a content-oriented web site. • Hands-on site development experience. Must have a deep knowledge of web standards, browser compatibility issues, and accessibility issues. • Must have hands on skills with HTML, CSS, Photoshop, FTP, Microsoft Project, and be familiar with Content Management Systems • Excellent communication skills and the ability to multitask in a fast paced working environment • Passion for yoga, health and wellness and holistic living a plus. Email for more information.

LA Green Drinks - Studio City
Thursday, September 27th, 2007
The Sapphire
11938 Ventura Blvd Studio City, CA 91604 map

LA Green Drinks - Culver City

Thursday, October 4th, 2007
Duke's Hideaway at the Culver Hotel 9400 Culver Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232

LA Green Drinks - Hermosa Beach
Thursday, October 11th, 2007

68 Pier Avenue
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

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